Without trying to beat a dead horse -

I would hope that this issue would die.

The facts:

Phyllis ( a DFL rep.) introduced this motion. Cosponsored by a DFL colleague (Len Biernat). Supported by many (DFL and Republicans alike) and geared towards having Minneapolis and other cities adhere to a system of representation that has already been adopted by the majority of other cities. The proposal will fail as there is no sponsor in the senate (as it has in the past).

The argument;

This proposal is sound in the fact that we should not have to wait five years after a sensus to adjust our representation. The "ideal" here is to have an election just after the boundaries are redrawn to be fair to all. That makes sense.

The reality;

Phyllis is wasting our valuable time and money. This is not an issue for the state. Even if Phyllis were to pass this through the house and senate, like a kidney stone, with all of the moaning and crud, this still would not change a thing. The real problem (not DFL or Green Or Republican) is in our city's Charter. We would go through the same stuff in 2010-2003. If we changed the Charter to reflect redistricting and the timeliness of the elections then we would be achieving something.

But for now we sit and argue about a proposal that will only cost us more money than it is worth and accomplish nothing.

So drop it Phyllis. And let's get to task to make a real difference. CHANGE THE CHARTER.

Valdis Rozentals

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