Someone might have mentioned this, but there are a few colleges with co-ed
bathrooms, and no one seems to freak out.  Back at Dear Old Macalester, for
example, the floors or sections of the residence halls would often decide to
go co-ed.  It was sort of a culture shock for me, initially, but after a few
days it was totally unremarkable.

It was also a good way to confront and overcome prejudices.  Coming from
small-town Minnesota, I had a pretty narrow perspective on what was normal.
When I went to college in '91, I'd never met anyone who was openly gay.  All
of a sudden, I was in a situation where I would regularly wind up sharing a
communal shower with people who were gay or bi.  Again, sort of a culture
shock, but not such a big deal.

I believe Carleton had the same setup, albeit for a much uglier student


Mike Skoglund
Loring Park / New York City -- now with electricity!

On 8/15/03 04:41 PM, "phaedrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When society has reached a point where there is no
> discrimination on gender or sexuality, there will be
> no need for separate restrooms (or showers). Frankly,
> I'd like to see that happen now. Let us divide the
> country at the Mississippi. The west goes to those who
> are into open mindedness, the east can go to those who
> want to live in a culture based on religious or
> cultural fundamentalism. You might be more "righteous"
> and we might have more flakes, but we won't stone
> women for adultery or crucify men for kissing other
> men. Sound fair?

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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