Have others heard of the Straw Man argument? That's when rather than debate the merits of an opponents argument, you build a "straw man" argument - and then proceed to tear that down. In this case the Straw Man - or Woman - is that evil Vivian Mason - evil park board member personified. Meanwhile, this avoids the issue that this wasn't an 8-1 decision - with Mason whining in the corner - it was a 5-4 decision - with John Erwin being the first person to criticise the board's process on this list.

At 09:23 AM 12/31/2003 -0600, TONY SCALLON wrote:
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I feel obligated to respond to Chris Johnson, Scott Vreeland, and Mary Belfry. Yes I do have access to information. I read articles in the paper. The statements about Vivian Mason are from comments of other commissioners and from Doug Grow's article in the paper. I have looked in the Mpls Star and Tribune and found these resources for you to read.

Some board members believe that those "things" centered on board member Vivian Mason, who wanted to ask VonDeLinde several questions. At least some board members believe that VonDeLinde viewed Mason as a symbol of a deeply divided board.
One board member, Jon Olson, was furious at Mason at last week's board meeting.
"He had quite a tirade," Mason said. "He said that I was responsible for VonDeLinde dropping out. He said I should not be talking to the press."
In fact, many of her colleagues are weary of Mason's naysaying. (She says her frequent criticisms of board decisions are attempts to get the board to act more openly with the public.)
But board member Walt Dziedzic, not typically a Mason fan, said she doesn't deserve to take the heat for VonDeLinde dropping out of what had become a one-man race.
Dziedzic was a strong VonDeLinde supporter. But he doesn't have many good feelings toward him now.
"No guts," said Dziedzic of VonDeLinde. "If he gets all bothered because somebody on the board wants to ask him a few questions, what would it have been like when the public gets upset about something? Or how could he have handled it when a reporter called?"
In the end, it doesn't matter why VonDeLinde decided to sit it out. What matters is what the board does now.

EY comment: I think Walt Dzetzic's statement here is telling. This one doesn't back up what Scallon said about Mason - which is:

Scallon: I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the one sided nature of the park board discussion. I have pointed out the a few of the dissenting commissioners are part of the problem. Two candidates withdrew probably due to the tactics of Commissioner Mason. She consistently leaked information and challenged the credentials of candidates in public. I have done many interviews. Although not illegal, This is highly unusual and makes the process extremely difficult.

I went to the second article and quote the segment about Mason - which does not appear to support Scallon's contention either.


Board member Vivian Mason said she has many questions and isn't happy with how the selection process has gone. "I think it's most unfortunate that we have ended up with one candidate. It's most important that we further interview this candidate," she said.
She said she wants to know why he has lived for years in Eagan while leading the Anoka County system and wants to know if VonDeLinde would move to Minneapolis if he gets the job.
In a telephone interview on Tuesday, VonDeLinde said he would move to the city, possibly into the house owned by the board.

He is president-elect of the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Mason said she would like to know whether he will assume that post if he is appointed in Minneapolis and how much time the association job would take.
VonDeLinde said he'd probably fulfill that obligation.

EY: Nothing about Vivian Mason leaking information here either. Certainly Mason seems skeptical of the appointment.

There is also nothing in either of these articles about Mason pushing for her own candidate. The only place I read about that is from Scallon's post.

Mary Belfry has the audacity to assume where I stand. Mary, I participated in many public interviews. I urge you to check my record on following the process for Police Chief, Community Development Director (3 times) and Public works director. I never released information. The process always found a good candidate because we treated the candidates with respect and confidentiality. And this was on an equally fractious board, the Minneapolis City Council.
You haven't shown that Vivian Mason has done this either. I'd be interested in seeing some evidence.

It seems like Mason gets scapegoated for the dysfunctional dynamics of the Park Board. And it seems to me that the Chair - rather than Mason - is much more responsible for overall board dynamics. That's part of the responsibilities of leadership.

Commissioners on both sides of the appointment issue have confirmed that Commissioner Mason supported Sigglekow's appointment even without a search. I think these are in the minutes of the Park Board. I think it is interesting that you give Vivian Mason's defense but Vivian has not responded either in person to me or to the issues forum. I still believe part of the debate is the desire to have an insider as Commissioner.
I'd be interested in Mason's response - but I think Bob Fine has a stronger obligation to respond. After all he is chair of the board - and this whole mess happened "under his watch".

It seems one good compromise would be to have someone else take the Chair position on the board. It seems that both Fine and Mason are polarizing figures. I'd think there are others that would be willing to work with both sides.

I think posting wild theories such as done by Scott Vreeland actually are adding to the problem. When I urged compromise, one commissioner's reply to me was there was great support to continue the fight. Does it really help to make the Park Board continue to look foolish. Just look at Doug Grow's recent article.

So a political board - such as the Park Board is supposed to avoid all disagreements just to avoid looking foolish?

I hope the new year brings some improvements in the relationships at the Park Board. It is the duty of all the Commissioners to work towards finding common ground.

I'll agree with that. I think trying to blame it all on Vivian Mason is just scapegoating - and avoiding the real issues.

Eva Young Near North Minneapolis, MN eva at usucceed.com http://lloydletta.blogspot.com

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