Hello Sieghard.

>> About adding new properties like font name, size, background color of the
>> form,...

>No, this is correct, but isn't this a bit overly complicated? 

No it was not really complicated and appears in the Object Inspector panel.

>> Note that the size and position of the form is given by the stat file
>> that
>> you may edit and set as you want.

> That's fine. In principle.
> At least with my setup (openbox 3.6.1 on Slackware 64, kernel 5.4.61, 

Ha, ok, I should think to slower system.
On my i5 cpu, resizing is very fluent and "live".
But ok, I will disable this and do the drawing only after resizing.
About the width of the filename column, it is automatically resized to fit
the window, something like this:

colunm0.width := stringgrid.width - column1.width - column2.width -

But yes, you are right, better not do it automatic and let the size selected
by the user.
I will do more test on resizing and fix it.

>you to the top level directory "/". Which may be declared "works as
> intended", although, for the casual user, it might be somewhat surprising.
> It's also not really clear that the "empty row" can be extended and
> accepts

OK, I will check this.
I did test it on Linux Debian 10, Linux wine, Windows 10, Raspbian RPI  and
FreeBSD 12 and all seems good.

I will do more test simulating others OS and distro.

Many thanks for your information.

several entries, because it looks like a single line field firstly.
It might be more apparent that it's a list field if it was directly



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