Hello Sieghard.

> It is possible to add the same user selected directory to the "hearty"
>  field of the "Places" pane any arbitrary number of times. A test for
>  uniqueness might be useful here before insertion. 

Yes, good idea, It will do a check before inserting.

> At some size of the _window_, a horizontal scroll bar appears at its
>  bottom, unrelated to the window contents. 

OK, I will check that.

> What is the purpose / significance of the additional characters in the
>   "Size" column shown in front of the values? They're mostly carets
>  ("^"), but I found some underlines ("_") also.

The goal of this, as explained in previous mail, is to enabe sorting of size
data using different scales:

 The size column is in a TStringGrid and the sorting must be adapted for

For example, '100 KB' will be < '99 KB' because it sorts with the first
char, even if it is a number.

The trick that I use is to add spaces before the numbers to get always the
same length (15 characters),
example: '100 KB' > ' 99 KB'
But for playing with different units (KB, MB, B), add a symbol  before all
the space added.
In that case, the space '  ' for B, then maybe '_' for KB and '~' for MB.


'     100 B' <  '_    100 KB' <  '~    100 MB'

But maybe it would be good to limit the size of the "Size" column, so people
will never see the trick.
I will study this.

> Well, and as for sorting of directories: their position again isn't
>  kept at the head of the list if the sorting order is switched.

See previous remark, it has the same problem to differentiate Directory with
The trick there is to add a space before each directory name so they are
first while sorting.

Anyway, sorting is difficult and each filesmanager threads it his own way.

> And as a final minor "bemol", the positioning of the control fields
>  ("No Lateral", "Compact" and "Show hidden") seems "somewhat arbitrary", 

Ok, ok, I will review this.

> I'm not at all a fan of icons, turning them off if ever I can.


Ok, I will add a "No icon" control.

Many thanks for your attention Sieghard.


- And as a final minor "bemol", the positioning of the control fields
  ("No Lateral", "Compact" and "Show hidden") seems "somewhat arbitrary",
  even somewhat obscuring the title fields of the directory and filter

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