
>Great idea! I could make it, I guess, but I can't say when it will be
>finished, since I don't have so much spare time.

> But please, send me exact
>specifications on what the condition of an if-statement can be, and how the
>radar can be used (or am I now asking just one question). Anyway, I think it
>would be easy to make it hecto-multi-player (257 players at most,
>simultaneously), by making use of joynet.

257? How did you cook up _that_ number? 255 or 256 or even 65536 :-) are
numbers I could imagine, but 257?

> I'm coding something at the moment
>so that implementing that will be easy. Anyway, were you planning to make the
>enemy-robots computercontrolled or humancontrolled? Human would be more fun,
>of course, but you can't always find a second player...

So what? Can't you write two robot-programs? :-)

Another thing crossed my mind: Why develop a special programming language
for the robot?  The only reason for that could be that it's the only way
to get more 'programs' running in parallel on _one_ MSX. But: if we take
the game to JoyNet, as Shevek proposed, we only have to define the
rules of the game (e.g. how the long and short range radar function,
what happens if two robots want to get on the same playing field position)
and the interface (how does each player receive / send its move).
Then everyone can use his favorite programming language, and program his robot
in the way (s)he likes. It saves us the definition and implementation of a new
programming language and makes a killer app on JoyNet!

Would make a heck of a competition game at a fair (wow!)...


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