On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:

> > In principle, don't worry. The main idea is to use a PC as a web server
> > (as most people do) modified to distribute htz files through a special
> > port. The difficulty would be to find a ISP that accepts to run a special
> > web server only to provide web services for MSX.
> Ok, but now I cannot test it then!

The package contains some htz-samples. If you don't have a true-MSX near
you, I suggest you use BrMSX.

> > Oh, you didn't get the joke. Manuel, manual, ...
> I did get the joke... But it's become a little boring after 22 years... ;-)

Sorry! I didn't know it's a very old joke.

> > The author of FudeBrowser has demonstrated for me that it's not possible
> > for a MSX1 to display a html file with smooth scroll and colors and
> > true type fonts. The scroll would be slow and the you would see the screen
> > being designed. It would be very ugly!
> Therefore: Lynx.

A text-mode html viewer would be very simple to be created. So, the author
decided to try to do a graphical html viewer.

BTW, I think Lynx is an ugly browser. It works very fast, but is a little

> > BTW, www was created for displaying multimedia pages. So, what's the point
> > using Lynx? In the most part of the web-pages, you simply can't undestand
> > its contents.
> I cannot agree with that. Lynx can be used as a navigator. If you want to see a
> picure, lynx can call an external picture viewer (e.g. xv on Unix). If  you wan
> to hear music, it calls the appropriate replayer, etc. So the big advantage is:
> it is fast!! (HTML parsing is fast, no unnecessary picture-loading or other
> stuff, no background-picture loading, etc.). It's perfect for quick look-ups on
> the net. It would already be great to have this on MSX. Besides, it can also
> handle ftp, news and mail (with an external editor, e.g. VIM).

I think that it would be the right path for network services, but we have
two problems:
1. Actually there's no TCP/IP stack working on MSX
2. TCP/IP requires multitasking OS, which by itself spends CPU processing
   power. Z80 at 3.57MHz can run efficiently a multitasking OS and TCP/IP
   applications? I don't think so.

Greetings from Brazil! BTW, would FudeBrowser be impressive for Nishi?

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz        http://www.lsi.usp.br/~mdalpoz
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