> > I think Alex asked the question because the original MB1.4 replayer
> > source contains IN A,(#FE) commands.
> Ah, I C.  I'll take my source-scissors and cut them out ;-)


> > And what about MoonSound?
> > I can mail you a MBM replayer that plays on MoonSound too. It sounds
> > nice, in my opinion, because the MoonSound output is much clearer.
> Please do! Any source code (eh, MSX related, that is ;-)) is welcome!

The original sourcecode of MB 1.4 (as well as MBFM and MBWAVE v1.3) is on
the MCCM Milennium CDROM...

> > Hey, maybe it's possible to convert the MWK kit while the song is
> > already playing.
> Huh? You mean start playing without samples and add the samples later?
> Hmmm... I'll see. Maybe it's possible to start converting while loading
> the samples - load a block, convert it, load the next etc...

WHILE playing? No... think not.

>  A:\> amber -v the_best.mbm samples.mbk
>  --------------------------------------
>  AMBER v 0.1 - 20 Oct 1999 - (C) Aurora
>  --------------------------------------
>  MSX-Audio detected
>  MSX-Music detected
>  loading the_best.mbm
>  loading samples.mbk
>  samples.mbk  not found! trying the_best.mbk
>  the_best.mbk not found! no sample replay
>  playing 53 patterns...
>  user interrupt
>  A:\> _
> Ah, that brings me to another very useful option:
> -lN When looping is on, loop N times, then fade out
> N = 0 == loop forever...

Yeah, the loop but fade at loop point is very nice (first seen on 100%
Comes in very handy when playing multiple looping songs indeed.


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