> > I hope you mean 1=50Hz sync, 2=60Hz sync eh? (thus making no
> > difference if the VDP is currently working at 60 or 50Hz...)
> I don't quite get what you're after. Do you mean that I should
> switch the VDP mode, or leave the VDP mode alone and only switch
> replay speed? Will be difficult to replay @ 60Hz sync, while being
> in 50Hz mode :-(

I meant NOT to switch the interrupt-frequency.
And replaying 60Hz at a real interrupt isn't that hard... Simply run the
interruptroutine twice every 5th interrupt. Difference won't be noticed. And
about speed issues, replaying 1 step at top speed takes 3 interrupts right
(1 precalc int, 1 replay int and 1 'free' int)? And on lower speeds there
are even more 'free' ints. So I think that won't be a problem either.

> > > And if you're really going for it: if amber is started without any
> > > arguments, you should get a little MBM filebrowser, like in VGIF or
> > > BLS or so... :-)
> Yeah right. And some spiffy backdrop and 'equalizer' and all that shit
> that blows a simple and useful utility into a bloated M$ proportional
> monster (*grin*)

Sorry but I have no objections to that... NOP's MODplayer became also more
than a simple and useful utility, but it is awesome, much nicer looking than
Moonsoft's MODplayer. Although the latter one replays better (supports

> > Would be very, very nice.
> > Adding support for the first file only is VERY easy (simply execute
> > FIND_FIRST with pre-setup FCB from adress #5C (if I remember
> > correct) before loading). Adding support for more than 1 file will
> > be a little more difficult but still work I think.
> But not that much: FIND_NEXT :-)

Yeah but you've also got to make a loop and end-of-files detection
(a jp and a ret c :))

> > > > Samplekit handling:
> >
> > Sounds very cool.
> Thought so :-) could however be a little bit slow when all possibities
> have to be checked only to find out that there is no samplekit to load...

No way man.

Can you notice a speed difference of, well, let's say 1/1000th second???
Certainly not when the program is also loading from disk.

Anyways my point is detecting soundchips and do some conditional jumps
really doesn't require much processorpower. I mean, the MSX Z80 is quite
fast (well okay 7MHz or faster is very nice), most problems with speed
concern the videoprocessor and diskdrives/harddisks...

> > About Maarten ter Huurne's idea: MoonSound support is indeed
> > a great idea! I hope the samples will also be supported?
> Also: maybe later. First things first... (and that means going home now
> and start coding ;-P)

Yeah okay. But keep in mind that you don't have to program this MoonSound
support all by yourself; Maarten has already programmed it...


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