>, Richard Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>Hullo Richard! Fancy seeing you here...

I'm everywhere ;) But I have to admit it's a recent development, I
missed my old CX5M but now I've spent a /lot/ on two CX5MII/128 models,
I've started to use it properly!

>The CX5MII (both 64K and 128K varieties) use the V9938 MSX2 graphics chip
>and S3527 "MPS". You'd need to source the RP5C01 battery back-up chip from
>somewhere and handle the address decoding yourself. Later MSX-ENGINE chips
>had the RTC built-in.

Sooo... there's not actually a space on the CX7 MB for the chip, then? I
have the technical manual, but didn't see anything regarding the clock
(as it's not installed in CX5M models), merely a reference to the
battery cover which is on the base of the machine.

So presumably the CX7 would have a later MSX-ENGINE and the battery pack
in the base?

>The V9938 was used for its 512 pixel text mode in the Yamaha machines;
>hence they still only have 16K of VRAM like other MSX1 machines. If you
>upgrade the VRAM to 128K using 4 41464 DRAM chips, and change the ROMs for
>MSX2 ones, you should have all the MSX2 functionality you need.

So all I need to do is upgrade my VRAM board? I've got the directions
from that from Hans' site, but my soldering is decidedly strange!

>The machine ROMs are regular MSX1 ROMs, and can be replaced with
>regular MSX2 ROMs although I'm not sure how they'll react to not finding
>an RTC present.

Okay, that I was unsure about. I thought the CX7 had The Painter built
in to the ROMs, or would start up with 'Yamaha' or something similar. I
know it makes little difference!

>You'd need to fashion an adapter yourself. It's possible but not really
>necessary if you already have a CX5(M)(II). The audio amplifier design in
>the Yamaha computers is better than that in some MSX2 computer schematics
>I have seen.

I use the RCA outs from the SFG, so that's not really an issue. Having
said that MSX2 isn't of great importance anyway, just curiosity value to
me - all I really want is to get one of my CX5MII/128s equipped with a
disk drive! I could always get a cheap MSX2 off eBay - I think I saw a
slightly damaged Philips NMS8250 go for £20-30 recently.

A separate keyboard is useful just because of the layout of my studio...
however, Yamaha YIS-805s aren't exactly common :( (and I don't know if
they have space for the SFG. If they did I'd pay good money for one).

Classic Computers: Atari 800XL - Rescue on Fractalus!  |\      _,,,---,,_
Yamaha CX5MII/128 - Music and MSX! Compaq 386 MIDI    /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,
Apples?         |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'::.
Last found? Tandy 102 in my office drawer!         '----''(_/--'  `-'\_)Morticia
For info, see

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