Marc van Dongen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 27 Sep 2000:
> Bruce DeVisser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : And what does  :set ?shell   return?
> shell="/usr/bin/bash"
> which is correct.

OK..  And you can get a shell (via a terminal window), so you know the
binary is executable etc.?  

Marc van Dongen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 27 Sep 2000:
> : I have no idea why you couldn't run any commands from within Mutt
> : though, I've never heard of this kind of problem.  Can you even
> : start /bin/sh (or your own shell)?
> Nope. All commands fail.

Well, this is obviously the problem here. :-)  Unfortunately it doesn't
help yet that much in knowing the solution.  But not being able to start
any programs is Very Bad.

> As I mentioned earlier on, I upgraded
> from sparc-sun-solaris-2.7 to sparc-sun-solaris-2.8 and
> rebuilt mutt from scratch. I did this before as well without
> serious problems. I haven't gor a clue what is going on here.
> Maybe this is an operating system related problem.

I don't know the exact details (haven't looked at the source), but I
would guess that the way Mutt starts an external program is with the
system() sytem-function-call.  If your Mutt can't run programs this
way, then something is Seriously Wrong in your setup.

Trying to debug this gets quite hairy though.  On Linux, I would run
Mutt with strace and trace the syscalls it makes, in the hope that I
could see what's the status of the system() function.

For Sun, I don't know what the system call trace program is called --
truss maybe, or was that some other OS?  It may not have one

Like I said, if your Mutt can't start programs, things are Seriously
Wrong, and because of it gets quite complex to try to figure out what
is going wrong.

> I am using
> the CDE desktop at the moment but the problem also manifests
> itself if I use the openwindows desktop.

Like someone else suggested, try getting a shell without a windowing
environment, and then try with that.  That way you can check the values
of PATH etc., and know for sure it's not the windowing environment
getting in the way.  I don't actually think it is, however since weird
things are happening I'd try to eliminate every potential source of

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
"The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony #9."

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