On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 18:42:38 -0400, David T-G wrote:
> Yep, that was what I meant.  Did you try a simple
>   :set shell=/sbin/sh
> from within mutt?  Did you try
>   :set ?shell
> to see what mutt thinks $shell is holding?

The $shell variable is /only/ used for the shell-escape command
(default bound to ! in all menus), so this is not relevant for
this case.

Check instead that EXECSHELL have an absolute path to a valid shell
like this:

$ mutt -v | grep EXECSHELL

EXECSHELL is used for caling all external programs (including the
$shell shell when using the shell-escape command). It defaults to
/bin/sh, but can be changed when mutt is configured with
"./configure --with-exec-shell=EXECSHELL". Se the INSTALL file for
reasons to do that.

> How interesting...  With a valid $shell setting you can't even 
>   !ls

This doesn't require a valid $shell (try to set $shell to some bad
value and try it - it still works if it worked before), but it
certainly require a valid EXECSHELL.


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