Brian --

...and then Brian Clark said...
% * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Dec 05. 2001 21:33]:
% > % I'm using GnuPG and some recipients' clients do not have the capability
% > % to decipher PGP/MIME (see: Windows; TheBat!).
% > 
% > <ultimate_flame_war>Screw 'em!</ultimate_flame_war>
% Flamewars aside, if you ever have to use Windows, TheBat! is actually an
% exceptional MUA. (unless one wanted to use Mutt with Cygwin(sp?).)

So I hear.  I'd like to poke at it, because I know some folks who could
probably use a Good Mail Program but are just stuck in the Windows world.
I haven't gotten around to it, though.

But I couldn't resist :-)

% > %   macro compose \Cp "Fgpg --clearsign\ny" "PGP clearsign"
% > Ick.  That is one way to do it, and is unfortunately necessary when using
% > a charset other than us-ascii and perhaps when attaching a file
% > (but that bit is untested), but doing it within mutt would be so much
% > nicer.
% I was reeeally hoping the HOW-TO's were going to say, "oh yeah, that's
% eeeasy." :-) The manual says clear signing is seriously depreciated, but

Or even deprecated; I don't think it's had a lot of monetary value at any
point ;-)

% there are a ton of people out there unfamiliar with PGP/MIME. That makes

Yep.  That's true.  Care to take up the Cause Of Spreading The Word?

% me wonder why the author(s) of Mutt didn't go ahead and add in support
% for clear signing that's on par with its PGP/MIME ease of use.

Well, it is; just set $pgp_create_traditional and you're now doing it the
old way instead of the MIME way with no other changes.

% > I have had wonderful success with the stock $pgp_create_traditional and
% > the patch-supplied $pgp_outlook_compat settings; when both are "yes",
% > even LookOut! users can read and reply to my signed mail.
% I'd have to figure out how to patch a source deb and rebuild it. I've
% never done that before, but..

I think you got some other replies to this, but you could always just
patch the source itself after you pull it down from :-)

% > % Now, I keep seeing references to a pgp-menu function in various HOW-TO
% > (or execute your macro from above).  When you hit 'p' from there,
% > you enter the pgp menu; you can, IIRC, sign, sign as, encrypt, both,
% > or forget it and send cleartext.
% Hitting p from the compose menu is what I wasn't getting. LOL If I think
% about it for a while, I realize how silly that is for me to overlook
% that.

You'll forgive my not answering the previous paragraph, then :-)

% > % I'm using vim for my editor, and I can't seem to figure out how to
% > I'd do it from mutt rather than vim; mutt knows how to pass the recipient
% > info off.
% Yep, but hittin p from the compose menu is going to drop back to
% PGP/MIME, AFAIK, right?

Not if you have $p_c_t set.  The pgp menu is (perhaps only ideally
given the at least one valid need for using the macro method) the only
interface to pgp that you need; the "PGP: Clear" means clear text that
is neither signed nor encrypted, not what some folks call clearsigning
or in-line signing or ascii armoring or ...

% > % I'm basically looking for tips/suggestions to make my life easier,
% > % if someone has any to offer.
% > 
% > You might try the archives, but signing and encryption come up a lot.  I
% > haven't checked, but a query for "signing outlook" might be sufficient.
% And off I go.. (again) ;-)

Have fun :-)

% Thanks again, David.

Sure thing.  HTH :-)

% -- 
%  -Brian Clark

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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