Will --

...and then Will Yardley said...
% Brian Clark wrote:
% > * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Dec 05. 2001 21:33]:
% > 
% > > % I'm using GnuPG and some recipients' clients do not have the
% > > capability % to decipher PGP/MIME (see: Windows; TheBat!).
% > > 
% > > <ultimate_flame_war>Screw 'em!</ultimate_flame_war>
% > 
% > Flamewars aside, if you ever have to use Windows, TheBat! is actually
% > an exceptional MUA. (unless one wanted to use Mutt with Cygwin(sp?).)
% i have heard that becky! is pretty good and can read PGP/Mime i think,

Cool; thanks for the info.

% it's not free (and for that matter it seems to be difficult to pay for
% it even if you wanted to)...

Of course, this can make it tricky :-)

--8<-- snip --8<--
% does doing :set pgp_outlook_compat? or whatever the option is work? is

It has for me (once I remembered to work around my default send-hook :-)

% the option mentioned in the muttrc (5) man page?  i build from source on
% my mail machine, but on a woody machine at work the pgp_outlook_compat
% option is mentioned already.

I imagine the patch is compiled in, then; the sure way to find out is to
check its value from within mutt.  If you've seen my `mutt -v` and/or
been to my mutt-build-cocktail page and are expecting the "Feature Patch" 
output, don't be misled; I keep that bit of C code because I like the
listing, but it's from the old, old, old days (and if two of my patches
didn't require it by default I probably wouldn't bother with it after

% -- 
% William Yardley                   System Administrator, Newdream Network
% [EMAIL PROTECTED]         http://infinitejazz.net/will/pgp/gpg.asc

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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