Brian --

...and then Brian Clark said...
% * Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Dec 05. 2001 23:40]:
% > > Flamewars aside, if you ever have to use Windows, TheBat! is actually
% > > an exceptional MUA. (unless one wanted to use Mutt with Cygwin(sp?).)
% > 
% > i have heard that becky! is pretty good and can read PGP/Mime i think,
% Yes, TheBat! and Becky! are very similar (I mean, come on, check out the 


% names <bg>). TB! is written by some ru guys (I believe it's ru) and
% Becky! is written by a jp guy.

I hadn't heard of Becky! before; I'll have to check her out.

% One thing I wish Mutt had, that The Bat! has, is a template system. In
% other words:
% Hi %UCFirst="%OFromFName",
% On %OLongDate, %OFromFName wrote:
% %Wrapped='%Quotes'
% %Cursor
% %Cookie="~/fortune"

The only thing that doesn't immediately jump out is how to extract only
the first name in the attribution string, but I haven't even looked at
the expandos to see if such breaking is already available.

% That used "macros" (not really the same as Mutt macros). But then again,
% using external editors and all, I have no idea on that one. I just think
% it's a nice feature (the built-in macro list is huge, but darned useful).
% That kind of thing saves one a lot of time.
% I'll bet this can already be done in Mutt, right?

Yep.  Check out $attribution and $signature (as an external program pipe)
for the top and bottom, $editor for your proper command to place your
cursor, and $indent_string for how to quote the original note.  If you
really insist on reformatting someone else's text, use par to rewrap the
body, either by calling it on demand from within your editor or by
pre-calling it in your $editor command (which might be a wrapper).

Before anyone says "gee, these other mail programs do all of this
for me and I don't have to set this stuff or call external programs"
I'll reply in advance with "don't bother".  It's a Good Thing that mutt
calls external programs to do its work; you have a choice.  It's a Good
Thing that mutt has lots of settings; you have incredible configuration

% > does doing :set pgp_outlook_compat? or whatever the option is work? is
% > the option mentioned in the muttrc (5) man page?  i build from source on
% > my mail machine, but on a woody machine at work the pgp_outlook_compat
% > option is mentioned already.
% You're not going to believe this, but I just dist-upgraded and 1.3.24i
% was provided. So I upgraded and it already has pgp_outlook_compat. :-$

How nice.  Enjoy!

Here's where the old patchlist.c data would be handy.  I wonder what
other patches your version has in it...

% (I suppose I'm not entirely off-topic :-))

Heh :-)

% -- 
%  -Brian Clark

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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