On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 04:12:36PM -0500, Tim Gray wrote:
> On Feb 24, 2011 at 02:34 PM -0600, Puneet Kishor wrote:
> >As is, with mutt, I am constantly flipping between one account to another,
> >and even though I have mapped the F1 and F2 keys to the inboxes for the two
> >accounts, it is a pain in the derierre. Everytime mutt has to scan through
> >the cache and rebuild the index view.
> I don't have a real answer for you.  What I do is to keep my two
> inboxes open in separate tabs of my terminal.  One is a work account
> and the other is personal.  A unified inbox would be cool, but this
> works just as well for me.  I can quickly go back and forth between
> tabs with a key combo.

Thanks. I did not realize that was possible. I have now opened up two
tabs in my terminal, and have two mutt views. It is a great step forward
from flipping account folders back and forth; many thanks. That said, it
is still not as convenient as a unified inbox as I still have to flip
between the two tabs to check if there is new mail in one or the other.

Hopefully someone else will chime in with a bright idea.


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