On Feb 28, 2011, at 8:15 AM, Derek Martin wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:01:01AM +0100, Joost Kremers wrote:
>>>>> I don't think having a specific feature in Mutt is necessary or
>>>>> desirable to achieve this.  You can easily have mail from multiple
>>>>> accounts delivered to your mailspool using getmail or fetchmail.
>>>> except that that downloads the mail to your local machine. 
>>> Not if you run it on your IMAP server.
>> but it still puts all your mail into a single mail box, which entirely 
>> defeats
>> the purpose of a unified inbox.
> I don't see that at all...  The purpose of having a unified inbox is
> to present all of your new mail to you simultaneously.  This does
> exactly that.

Actually, a "unified inbox" (as provided by Apple Mail.app or Postbox) presents 
all my new mail in one view, however, the mail actually remains in separate 
inboxes behind the scenes. A column in the view tells me where the mail 
actually resides. That way, mail can remain in physically separate 
accounts/inboxes, but can be seen in one view.

Postbox takes this a bit further by allowing the user to create arbitrary 
number of groups -- so I could see inbox1 and inbox2 in a virtual view called 
"work" and inbox3 and inbox4 in a virtual view called "gambling," if I so 


> lacking in some way or other.  Unified inbox is something I
> specifically DO NOT want, as it removes a certain amount of context
> from the mail-handling process for me.
> ..

As noted above, the context is provided by a column in the view. My unified 
inbox in Apple Mail looks like so --

Subject                   Date Recd  Mailbox
========================= ========== =================
Derek Martin              8:18 AM    Inbox - punk.kish
Re: unified inbox
Someone Else              7:14 AM    Inbox - punkish
Re: logging in BC makes..

I hope the above doesn't come out garbled. In the view above, I can see emails 
from two inboxes (even as they remain in their respected inboxes). In addition, 
since 2 lines are devoted to each mail, I can see the subject below the 
sender's name. Actually, Sparrow, a new, Gmail-specific IMAP only client (soon 
to expand to other IMAPs also) even shows the first couple of lines from the 
message text as well. Rather useful.

Additional Note:

Part of the issue is that I haven't really understood how Mutt works. In true 
Unix philosophy, mutt is (was) designed to do only one thing (reading and 
replying to my mail), while other tools did other things. More and more, tools 
are doing one "conceptual" thing (working with my mail) even though behind the 
scenes it is doing many things. The user, me, is not worrying about what is 
happening behind the scenes. More and more programs don't even require the user 
to interact with the physical location and storage of the content (iPhoto, 
Mail, and more programs in the new iOS paradigm). You open the program and your 
content appears there.

Even if mutt works with the IMAP server, my mail is actually "stored" (cached) 
in my mutt cache location. I would like that to continue, particularly since I 
don't trust any IMAP servers (Google could vanish tomorrow -- in fact, just 
yesterday there was a report of some users finding their emails had vanished -- 
Google was working on fixing it), but I also like the ubiquitous availability 
of IMAP. The solution, for me, is to use IMAP, but to sync all my email 
locally, so I can have the best of both worlds.

Will get there soon hopefully.

Thanks all.


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