On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 01:29:21PM -0500, Logan Rathbone wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 02:34:43PM -0600, Puneet Kishor wrote:
> > So, since nothing is impossible in mutt, how can I get a unified inbox
> > for my two accounts?
> I don't think having a specific feature in Mutt is necessary or
> desirable to achieve this.  You can easily have mail from multiple
> accounts delivered to your mailspool using getmail or fetchmail.

except that that downloads the mail to your local machine. the "unified mailbox"
concept means that the inboxes from multiple (IMAP) mail accounts are presented
as a single mailbox, without actually merging them into a single mailbox. the
mail remains on the IMAP servers.

mutt is really a one-mail-account kind of mail client. while there are ways to
use it with multiple mail accounts (i use screen with multiple mutt instances,
for example), it's not really as convenient as e.g. thunderbird makes it.

it would be nice if mutt were to gain the ability to conveniently deal with
multiple mail accounts within a single instance, but it's up to the developers
to decide if they want to implement it. 

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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