* Puneet Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com> [02-26-11 19:02]:
> The reason I like mutt is because of its speed. All the programs I have
> mentioned above start breaking down in speed, perhaps hampered by the
> complexity of drawing the user interface, or doing whatever
> house-keeping they need to do behind the scene.
> The reason I use IMAP is because I want my mail to be available on a
> remote server so I don't have to worry about backing it up, so I can
> access it from anywhere, using any client, if I need to.  That said, for
> the most part, I access my email from my laptop, that is always with me.
> My email is hosted on Gmail (Google apps) which takes care of spam,
> storage, tagging, etc.  However, I also want a copy of my email on my
> computer.  In my ideal situation, I have an exact copy of all my email
> on my laptop as it is on Gmail's servers.  That way, I can
> access/read/search my email even if I am not connected to the Internet.
> So, as far as I am concerned, my email reader is a reader for a local
> email storage (I guess this was mutt's traditional role) which it
> downloads from my IMAP server (mutt's new role).  When I send my mail
> out, my mail reader bot keeps a copy of the outgoing mail, as well as
> ensure a copy lands up on the remote server.
> There is a lot about mutt that I (right now) find to be a pain in the
> butt.  I can't jump to web links in the text easily (alpine does a
> really nice job of this), mairix is still not working for me,
> integration with the rest of the Mac OS X system is spotty, out-going
> email addresses are not automatically collected as aliases, etc.  I am
> sure I will figure it out as long as I keep at it.  I am already a lot
> better at mutt than I was when I started a month of so ago in earnest.
> But I do miss a bunch of features in other mail clients. I want the
> technology to assist me, not get in my way.  The GUI programs get in my
> way by being slow even while they assist me by ensuring that most basic
> tasks are already configured for me.  mutt gets in my way by making me
> configure every tiny aspect of it, but assists me by being really fast.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA      HOG # US1244711
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