Incoming from Mark H. Wood:
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 09:28:05AM -0500, Alan McConnell wrote:
> > First, generically: I feel it is a source of difficulty that
> > mutt relies on two config files, .muttrc and .mailcap.  Perhaps
> .mailcap is a general-purpose configuration file for anything that
> wants to know what you would like done with certain types of content.
> Lots of other tools also use .mailcap and /etc/mailcap.
> This is why they are separate.  One belongs to Mutt and the other
> belongs to the world (including Mutt, which can use it).

That was a beautiful exposition.  I want to mention one addition to

   set mailcap_path="~/mutt/mailcap"

Meaning, you can have a ~/.mailcap, *and* you can have a mutt specific
mailcap, if you like that sort of thing.  So if you sometimes read
mail or deal with attachments with a program other than mutt, it'll do
it its way instead of mutt's way, and mutt will do it mutt's way.

Personally, I think reading mail in a GUI is insane (but that's just
me).  Oh yeah:

   # set use_mailcap

Commented out here; not sure what it's for or what it does.  I should
look into that.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)                                                     :(){ :|:& };:
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