On (18:41 03/02/13), s. keeling <keel...@nucleus.com> put forth the proposition:
Incoming from David Woodfall:
On (09:58 19/01/13), David Woodfall <d...@dawoodfall.net> put forth the 
>On (13:42 18/01/13), Brendan Cully <bren...@kublai.com> put forth the 
>>On Thursday, 17 January 2013 at 19:28, Michael Elkins wrote:
>>>On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 07:09:32PM +0000, David Woodfall wrote:
>>>>When I switched to IMAP I noticed sadly that Mutt no longer shows new
>>>>mails from outside a folder. Actually it's IMAP + Maildir.
>>>>Is there some way of doing this? Even a command/macro I could run to
>>>>show new mail without having to actually go into each folder to check?
>>>You want the `mailboxes' support:
>>Also see $imap_check_subscribed
>Thanks, but I already use both these features. With the mailboxes
>command, do I need to now add the mailbox names with a leading '.' for
>imap support?

I'm still no closer to solving this. It seems that mutt just ignores
folder format for IMAP completely.

Mine works fine with just this:

  mailboxes =Inbox

... however, I'm also using offlineimap, fwiw.  My config doesn't
define "imap-check-subscribed".

I'm guessing that Mutt is reading downloaded headers then?

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