On (10:16 04/02/13), James Griffin <jmz.grif...@kode5.net> put forth the 
--> David Woodfall <d...@dawoodfall.net> [2013-02-04 01:27:32 +0000]:

I'm still no closer to solving this. It seems that mutt just ignores
folder format for IMAP completely.

Hi David,

I'm not absolutely clear what your setup is but seems like you may
be using a similar setup to mine - reading mail on the server which
receives mail and also using imap to remotely read the mail on that
server, however, in case you are using a similar set up to me perhaps
if I describe it, it might help you.

I'm only reading remotely via imap.

I generally read my mail on the mx host server which also has Dovecot
imap setup. When I'm reading mail using mutt on the server, I don't
bother using imap to the localhost, the imap server is purely for
when I'm reading mail using mutt on another machine. So, I have to
setup my mailboxes for mutt on the server in a slightly different
way because Dovecot LDA creates my mailboxes with a leading '.' in
~/.maildir. This appears to me to be how your mailboxes are created?
Right, I'm using dovecot too, with the leading '.'

I've also set up the imap server to automatically allow/make MUA's
subscribe to the mailboxes, so I don't need to put $check_imap_subscribed
in my muttrc file.

Not sure how to do that, but it sounds useful.


When using imap, I use pretty much the normal method for accessing
imap folders:

        set tunnel="ssh -q -C kontrol '/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap'"
        set folder=imaps://kontrol.kode5.net/
        set spoolfile=+inbox
        set header_cache=~/.header_cache

I have spoolfile set to same as folder, and no tunnel.

Does it show the normal $folder_format attributes? Example:

Using plain local mutt:

   Jun 12 20:21   slackbuilds

Using imap:


Note: no atime/mtime, no new mail notification.

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