On 2019-10-29, <nunojsi...@ist.utl.pt> (Nuno Silva) <nunojsi...@ist.utl.pt> 
> On 2019-10-29, John Long wrote:
>> On Tue, 29 Oct 2019 14:50:05 -0400
>> Patrick Shanahan <p...@opensuse.org> wrote:
>>> * Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> [10-29-19 13:10]:
> [...]
>>> > Muttdown (a "sendmail" filter) which creates mutlipart alternative
>>> > html/text messages is the only reason I've been able to continue to
>>> > use mutt for the past 5-6 years.  About 90% of the people to whom I
>>> > send email can't deal with plaintext only. The display of plaintext
>>> > is butchered horribly by Outlook, 
>> This is sadly, absolutely true. It's beyond frustrating to format an
>> email carefully in ASCII text and then have it look like a telegram
>> from Charles Manson by the time Outlook is done with it.
> [...]
> What about composing html in the text editor and changing the
> content-type to text/html with ^T in mutt?

The only what that's practical is to put everything inside <pre></pre>
with some embedded CSS to pick a fixed font.  In theory that could

Muttdown is far, far simpler and produces very nice looking results.

It allows multi-level quoting, lists, code blocks, and so on.

The key is to bind a button/command in your editor to a 'preview'
command that runs the buffer through muttdown and shows the result in
a browser.  That gives you a pretty good idea what the recipient will

> It might be inconvenient for more complex messages, but could perhaps
> help in these cases where you're sending something that would otherwise
> go as plain text to Outlook users.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Used staples are good
                                  at               with SOY SAUCE!

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