Thanks for your comments, see my replies inline

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Lisa Stroyan wrote:

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I'm going to jump to the issues as
you've gone above and beyond in your setup to get it the best it can be...no
issues there. I'll put my replies inline:

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Dwight Arthur <m...@grantsmiths.org> wrote:

A. I think that sometimes, every task in a project has been completed, and
some of them are completed on Android awaiting sync to Windows while others
are completed on Windows awaiting sync to Android. When the sync is
completed in both directions I would like to see everyone agree that all
tasks are completed and that therefore the project is completed for this
cycle and needs to be rolled to the next cycle. I do not think that happens,
at least I do not think it always happens. The results may vary depending on
whether the Windows side or the Android side was the first to see the
project with all tasks in completed state.


I have found at least one fully reproducible defect here which I submitted
to the beta forum [I just saw your reply]. You are correct, not only does
completing part of the tasks on one and part on another  FAIL to cause a
recurrence in the parent, it's even worse because completing yesterday's
tasks on Android can cause today's versions of the tasks to be completed
erroneously on the PC.


I agree that you have defined and reproduced this, that it's a defect and
that it plays a role in my issue.


B. I think that at least sometimes, completing a task causes the parent to
sync. If I change the parent on Android and a minute later (before any sync)
change a subtask on Windows in a way that causes the parent to sync, the
(unchanged) windows parent will overwrite the changed Android parent and the
change from the Android side will be lost.


By "sync" do you mean "marked as modified"? 


If a single subtask is changed, I don't get the parent marked as modified.
But if I change the note of "Testparent" on Android, then complete and
auto-recur Testparent on the PC, sync PC, and sync Android, the changed note
will be lost on Android. Is that what you mean?  But you see it sometimes
*without* the recurrence happening?

I have not been paying attention to date/time of modification. Are you
certain that a task is subject to synch if AND ONLY IF date/time of
modification is sufficiently recent? Without thinking too much about it I
had assumed that date/time of modification was a sufficient but not
necessary condition, and that other factors could also trigger a task to be
candidate for sync.


I have not been able to reproduce this and am not 100% certain that it
happens as I describe it, but I have a sense that completing a subtask of a
recurring task that recurs based on subtask completion, would cause the
parent to sync even if its modification date was unchanged.


Here's a scenario that DOES NOT work to illustrate my point, but I think
it's close to the situation I'm chasing:

-define a repeating task that recurs when all subtasks are completed. Set
daily repeat with start and due date = today. 

-fully synch between windows and android

-complete one task on windows and sync to cloud. Sync cloud to phone

-complete second task on phone and set the phone aside overnight without
synching. Leave MLO running as foreground program. Phone will not synch
overnight while Windows will synch hourly.

-In the morning, Windows phone and cloud all show the repeating task set for
yesterday. Windows and cloud show one subtask complete, phone shows two
subtasks complete.

-On the phone, complete the repeating task. It will reset to today with all
subtasks incomplete. Do not sync.

-On windows, manually complete the second task, the same one that was marked
complete on the phone yesterday. 

-Sync windows to phone to cloud.

I believe but cannot reproduce that sometimes the phone will show the
repeating task uncompleted with yesterday's date, matching what's currently
on Windows, with the second task completed and the first and third

My conclusion is that marking the second task complete on Windows caused the
parent status (incomplete, due yesterday) to be updated to Cloud.




C. In these circumstances it can be devilishly hard to ensure that items
(especially project/parent items) are changed only on one side. If they get
changed on both sides and the version you want to keep is on Android, the
"both sides changed" setting to server guarantees that the desired change on
Android will be lost. (note, changing "both sides changed" to use the local
copy makes the problems worse, believe me).


What I do in this case is I always sync Android first. It seems to me that
if there is a case where syncing Android first does not give a request for a
sync conflict resolution, there is an obvious/reportable bug -- if we can
find it. 


But if you are syncing "wi-fi only" then you can't always sync android
first, and automatic desktop sync complicates it even more.

I agree that if it were possible to force Android to always sync first the
problem would be corrected or at a minimum massively reduced in impact.


Scheduled sync on desktop, as you say, makes that difficult. The other thing
that in my opinion makes it difficult is that changed tasks on Android can
remain unsynched for hours, provided that MLO remains in the foreground on
the phone for all of that time.


In my case I don't think that wifi only is significant because I almost
never use my computer outside of wifi range and my phone is generally there
with me, so if my fingers are on the computer the phone has almost certainly
been in wifi range for a few minutes.




D. Lisa noted that in the event of a sync conflict, on the Windows side you
always get notified and can choose which version to keep. I think most users
with an opinion would agree, but it's not always true. Start with the case
described in (C) above. When Sync overwrites the good version on Android
with a bad version from Windows, the next sync sends the bad update back to
Windows. Since the update exactly matches the Windows version no conflict is
detected and the bad version is retained, with no notice or choice on the
Windows side.


Yes, I have replicated this just now. It happens when Android is not synced.
The reason I don't see this is that for me Android syncs as soon as I go do
something else on my phone, pretty much always since I'm almost always on a
network, and if I'm not, my PC is at home and I'm not changing anything.


In my test case that I reported a defect, I was also not asked, if I did the
steps in the order I listed.



E. Along the lines suggested by ctenorman I believe that frequent background
syncs on both Windows and Android would reduce (but not eliminate) the
window in which an error could occur.


But if Android is always synced first, and the obvious bugs fixed, is this
true? Of course Android cannot always be synced first, if the scheduler
happens to slip in right at that moment. 

If Android always synched first, and the other obvious bugs were fixed, I
would be pretty happy. I don't know how either Windows or Android could know
whether the other side has synched until it finds out by synching. I kind of
feel like Heisenberg and Einstein discussing whether anything anywhere can
ever be simultaneous, and how we could know.


I suppose that Windows could refuse to synch if the last Android synch was
more than ___ minutes ago? But that would mean that if you lost your phone
and then sent tasks to the MLO/cloud's email address the new tasks would not
show up on Windows until you find your phone. 



Ideally, either side would sync whenever a change is saved to the profile,
or whenever unsynched cloud changes are detected. I had asked for this in
one of these forums long ago and was challenged by other readers who felt
that the storage and processing costs would be exorbitant, and that
windows/android performance would suffer. 


But wait...aren't you being inconsistent here?  If you only sync when on
Wi-fi, you wouldn't use the "sync on every change" anyway, and you would
still see this issue, correct?

I would synch on every change. If a wifi connection were available I would
expect the synch to occur within a minute or so of the completion of the
change. If a wifi connection were unavailable I would expect the synch to
occur within a minute or so of the re-establishment of a wifi connection.
There would be no problem unless I am using my laptop with an Ethernet
connection somewhere without wifi, or if I left my phone in the car (outside
wifi range from my house) and went inside to immediately start managing my
tasks. I could live with all of that.



Meanwhile there have been several successful implementations, such as Google
Drive and Evernote. I understand that Google can afford unlimited storage
and processing for a product with little if any revenue, but Evernote needs
revenue the same way MLO does and yet Evernote gets this right. 


Not always. I've had data loss with Evernote too though I have not tracked
it down.

I suppose that any architecture with data stores on synchronized but
disconnected platforms will show data loss if pushed hard enough. My point
was that Evernote synchs changes more-or-less as they occur without
destroying the performance of either Windows or Android and without
requiring such massive cloud servers as to bankrupt the Evernote developers.



I have to run!

Me too. Thanks. -Dwight.







Lisa Stroyan, mailto: lstro...@gmail.com <mailto:lstro...@gmail.com>  

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