On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 09:52 -0500, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
>       Some of them can suck less, and may in fact be quite good.  What I 
> am saying is that unless you run a genlocked, synchronous 29.97 resolution 
> with a 1:1 pixel-mapped input/output characteristic

So, before we get into another syntax pissing contest and i am told I am
talking out of my ass again, what exactly do you mean by "genlocked,
synchronous 29.97 resolution with a 1:1 pixel-mapped input/output

If you mean that the signal is encoded by the video card to the
television exactly as it would have been by the original broadcast,
(i.e. field interlaced, correctly timed with the picture the exact same
size as it would have been originally) then yes, the g400 can do that.

>  (i.e. the concept of 
> overscanned and underscanned make no sense),

Only in as much as you see exactly the same amount of the picture coming
from the recorded version of the content that you would have seen if you
watched it live.

For example, if I watch a capture of CNN through the g400 using x11 on
the framebuffer hacked with matroxset, I see more of the picture than I
would see watching live broadcast television.  The ticker at the bottom
has a significant amount of picture underneath it.  If I watch CNN live,
I don't see the picture underneath the ticker and the ticker runs pretty
much (within a scanline or two) along the bottom edge of my television.

If I watch that same capture through the g400 using DirectFB's TV-Out,
it looks _exactly_ like it would watching it live.  I see exactly the
same amount of the image as I would have watching it live.

>  it is *NOT* unprocessed. 
> Nobody without big budgets and expensive proprietary cards can accomplish 
> that.  Everything else is a matter of degree on how much "fudging" gets 
> done.

As far as my eye can see (and I see a lot of the artifacts that people
around me watching do not see because they don't know what to look for),
it's "visually" unprocessed.  It looks exactly like it would have looked
live -- size, viewable portion, smoothness, etc.

As far as how the picture looks, I can take some stills with my digicam
to demonstrate what I mean if you like.  You will see the difference
between live and x11/framebuffer/matroxset hacked.  You won't with

>       You can't get perfect,

But I can.  When I get a moment today (i.e. get a moment when somebody
is not watching something), I will do a capture and take some stills
describing exactly what I am talking about above and post links to the
pics here.


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