Maybe this is so, but what do I really care beyond it "looks perfect"?
Which I can get with the G400 and DirectFB.  I have yet to see anything
even close with the G400 X11/framebuffer/matroxset.

For what most of us are trying to do (view it on a tv), it doesn't matter that much. I'm clarifying the notion of a "perfect" signal. Also, there are many times when some pieces of electronic equipment may not accept a signal that looks "perfect," since it doesn't strictly adhere to the spec.

Oh, and I tried to use your ntsc modeline and got an error from X saying
"hsync out of range".  My "Monitor" configuration is:

HorizSync 28.0 - 96.0 # Warning: This may fry old Monitors

I'm not surprised. That's X protecting you from yourself. That modeline runs at 480i frequencies and is meant to be displayed "directly" on a TV. It has a 15.7kHz horizontal frequency. In your case, you have a VGA monitor connected and have (correctly) limited the minimum frequency to 28kHz. If you change that to 15kHz, X won't prevent you from using that frequency due to H frequency mismatch. It also will most likely not work with your VGA monitor and in fact may damage it.

        You initially asked for:
"Do you have a modeline that sets a proper ntsc resolution and timing?
720/640x480 @ 59.9[sic] cycles/s?"

That is what the modeline I provided does. Proper NTSC resolution and timing with 720x480 visible resolution at 15.7kHz Horiz, 29.97Hz vertical.

Do I not also need a corresponding set of framebuffer timings to match
the X Modeline?  It was the framebuffer timings that I was referring to
before when I said that one set of timings at a given resolution does
not seem to work from one card to another.

        A modeline *defines* the framebuffer timings.


* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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