That's quite the story Jonathan. Let's hope nobody from GSP ever reads this ;-)


On 12/7/2017 11:49 AM, SWISSNIXIE - Jonathan F. wrote:
I guess it really depens on alot of factors how they even notice it.  Also i think its based on the description of the seller. So for example if you write "B4998 Burroughs Nixie Tube" it might get detected by some sort of matching system. But "small round nixie tube" won't match any systems. I don't know what database they use, but some nixies / tubes are listed for sure. Speaking about that, some tubes have restricted. For example the B-7094 Jumbo tube is technically illegal to ship from USA, because its listed as an ITAR (some military thing) restricted item,  another example is a non nixie tube the KN-6 Krytron because it was used in nuclear devices! But for the realism, if one can get all the other parts for such a device, i guess its easy to manage an export of krytrons!

I don't think they check every content manually because...

My 2nd hobby is radiation science, and once i ordered a tube from US which was radioactive, had a big fat icon on the tube box, and it was so radioactive you could detect it through the package! Went trough GSP! Also alot of tubes i orderd came in sealed tube boxes which were never opened by GSP

Also it might be dependant on the person working on you package. If some guy who never seen radio vacum tube would get your package, how could he possible identify the correct item? Alot of tubes are even offered as "Lamp" on ebay... :)
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