On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 11:04:14AM -0700, Grant Grundler wrote:
> At the time you did this, I read the Intel docs on P3 and P4 cache
> behaviors. IIRC, the P4 HW prefetches very aggressively. ie the SW
> prefetching just becomes noise or burns extra CPU cycles. My guess

I don't think they can follow pointers well. AFAIK all the x86 HW
prefetchers just try to detect movements in arrays. One 
exception is speculative execution where it might follow 
a pointer sooner, but the look ahead window for that is relatively small

In theory software can do better than that.

> was the x86 HW designers had exactly the opposite perspective than
> the RISC designers had: x86 SW won't change - ie can't add SW controlled
> prefetching to improvement perf - therefore HW has to do it.

e.g. power4/5/ppc970 do aggressive such prefetching too.

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