On Thu, 2 Nov 2006 15:44:38 -0500
Ronald J. Hall got an infinite number of monkeys to type out:

> > Okay, I've given up on Cedega. I should have listened to the people at
> > linuxgamers.net, it's a piece of crap.

I was basing that more on their definition of 'support', Cedega lets me run
Halflife and MOHAA no problem. I got one reply, which suggested that perhaps my
GeForce 4 Ti would not be 'enough' to run HL2. Whatever.

Surprisingly, linux-gamers.net (despite the volume of complaints) has a howto on
installing Cedega CVS. I'm giving that a shot, as the WineX cvs did compile,
but beyond that I have no idea what to do. I installed it, but it never
actually installed 'winex', even though there's a binary included for that (?).

> Can't help you with Wine/WineX, but here, Cedega has performed well on my
> comp and my sons/stepson.
> WITH the notable exception of <drumroll please> Half Life 2.
> I can NOT get that game to work, no matter what I've tried. It always gets to 
> the last CD, then says it can't find the last disk, no matter what I've 
> tried. :(

Ooooooh, ya, yer the guy! I figured out how to install it, but I could not for
the life of me remember who it was, or on what list, we had that discussion

Well, yer in luck (maybe). It's real easy. Install Steam, run Steam, set up an
account on Steam, then install the game over the 'Net. Takes a while, but I
finally got it installed... only to find out that no Steam games would run
because Cedega, in their infinite wisdom, sends 'bogus' (that's the exact word
Transgaming support used) info re your video card to Steam, preventing you from
accessing any of the video settings. Brilliant.
> I don't know what I'd do without Guild Wars... :D

Well, if you manage to get HL2 installed and working, lemme know.

JoeHill / RLU #282046
Cubert: "Why do I have to be the hump?" Fry: "'Cause you're too ugly to be a
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