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[6] Denis puts the case for the defence
Posted Saturday, July 6, 2002 by tb:
Mr Benn:

"They need a player or two to improve the team and these are the types of players you 
need, the likes of Roberto Carlos and they have been heavily linked with Rio 

"They will obviously have to strengthen at the back - Ronny Johnsen has gone and I've 
gone, Laurent Blanc has signed for another year but they will still need one or two 
others there to strengthen that area"

[5] Fergie on Larry
Posted Saturday, July 6, 2002 by tb:
"I'm very pleased that Laurent decided to stay on." 

"I was watching the video of our Arsenal game in the second last match of the season 
and he was up and down that pitch. It was incredible.

"Laurent only had two rests from November against Derby and Ipswich and he had 'flu in 
another. I thought there would have been more opportunities to say to him 'do you want 
a break?' However, he wants to play all the time.

"And it will be the same again this season, no doubt. That is the admirable part about 

"Laurent has been phenomenal. The respect he's got in the dressing room is immense.

"His reading of the game and his composure and control of situations when you are 
under the cosh and the way he brings the ball into midfield is marvellous.

"He brings a calm to it. I am just sorry I didn't sign him eight years ago when I 
first had the chance.

"He didn't take any persuading to stay on. It was one of those situations where he 
said he was going to retire and he changed his mind. He's changed his mind because 
he's enjoyed it."

[4] Another big time charlie
Posted Saturday, July 6, 2002 by tb:
A RN operative was at a company do at a sw@nky hotel/golf course near Chester 
yesterday, when a brand new Aston Martin DB7 rolls up, parks outside the front 
entrance (on double yellows) and who should limp out but St Michael of Ewloe. Hotel 
flunkies don't blink an eye lid, so obviously a regular occurance.

Our man was too busy, to try and set the alarm off on the motor and hence sort that 
hamstring out once and for all.

[3] Fergie sounds the battle cry
Posted Saturday, July 6, 2002 by tb:
"You have to say the only thing to worry about, with the ability we have here, is 

"Are the players hungry enough? Do they have that desire? I'm confident we will see 
that question positively answered next season."

"The disappointment of winning nothing will have a positive effect.

"This has been the first time in 10 years we have finished outside the top two.

"Maybe it'll be the kick up the backside we needed because I'm certainly not accepting 

"We're going to have to do something about it," 

[2] O'Neill doesn't fancy sheep farming
Posted Saturday, July 6, 2002 by tb:
"I've always said it's my intention to see out my contract at Celtic and nothing has 

"There's been no approach from Leeds United and I want to see through the remainder of 
my deal. I was shocked when Iheard David O'Leary had been sacked but these things 
happen in football.

"There are only a few managers in the game who are unsackable, like Arsene Wenger and 
Alex Ferguson, and I'm not one of them.

"I know I can be sacked at any time, but if Celtic don't sack me I intend to see out 
my contract.

"I can't really understand all the fuss that has been generated around me and Leeds."

[1] Arse also in for Rio?
Posted Saturday, July 6, 2002 by tb:
According to reports this morning, one (!) of Rio's advisors claim Wenger wants to 
give Rio a woggle.

Apparently he has a clause in his contract allowing him to leave for an offer over £22 
million after the second year of his contract.

Sounds like the race is hotting up.

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