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[17]  We could have told you that for nothing
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
Football League Chief David Burns:

"The experience of the Football League two years ago with pay-per-view [on Sky] and 
last year with ITV Digital is that Football League games do not lend themselves to 
pay-per-view within the current model."

Note that the Premier League PPV figure aren't being released either. If they'd have 
been a success, Sky would have been bragging until the (cash) cows come home.

[16] Help a good cause
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
A top Red and occasional RN contributor is taking part in a sponsored charity bike 
ride to the Eiffel Tower, Paris starting
on 24 July and lasting for four days. That's 285 miles at an average of 70 miles a 
day! Sore arse guaranteed.  It's in aid of a charity called Action Research, which 
funds medical research into a load of conditions such as premature birth. One in 30 
babies born has some kind of medical problem to contend with. And one in ten of the 
general population has a disability which seriously affects their lives. Action 
Research supports top class medical research projects which have a very real chance of 
making a difference to the lives of men, women and children everywhere. End of spiel!

It's a good cause and a great challenge for a mid-thirties, prematurely grey, 
overweight Manchester United fanatic to undertake.He's to raise a minimum of a grand 
and is half-way there at the moment.

If any Reds can help, he would be grateful to receive any donations, payable to Action 
Research (check out their website for authentication purposes -
www.actionresearch.co.uk) to Brendan O'Toole at:

The Old Bakery
Albion Road
New Mills
High Peak
SK22 3EX

[15] A Red News summer offer
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
Red News published 9 issues last season, of which we have limited stocks of 8 still 
available. As a special offer you can purchase ALL eight issues together with a FREE 
copy of Red News' book celebrating the Nou Camp triumph in 1999 - European Glory - all 
for the bargain price of just £13.50 including postage and packing. This is a must 
have offer so go on!

8 issues + book for £13.50 inc p&p in the UK
8 issues + book for £16 inc p&p in Europe and rest of the world.

Send your order by cheque, made payable to Red News, to Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester, M16 8LG or you can now order by credit card. click on


[14] Order your Red News online
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
paypal you can now order your 10 issue subscription to Red News the fanzine via credit 
card payment, ordering online from wherever you live in the world, getting the mag to 
your door.

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And those philanthropists out there can help with our costs by making an online 
donation via paypal. Doesn't matter how small the amount is, every bit helps with the 
costs of the site - thanks. click on. 

[13] O'Deary misses his babies
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
"I have some unfinished business at Leeds, and my dream is that I can go back to 
Elland Road as manager one day.

"If that sounds crazy, then people don't understand just how much Leeds meant - and 
still means - to me.

"I haven't said goodbye to the Leeds fans because I hope, under different 
circumstances, I'll come back.

"My time there was fantastic, an incredible adventure, a real rollercoaster ride.

"I have been hurt by my sacking, of course I have. I'm a manager, someone with 
deep-rooted football instincts who loves the game and I've been professionally wounded.

"My pride has taken a knock. Getting the sack from the job you love is never easy, 
especially if you have never been given the bullet before.

"And I've been stung too, by the suggestions that dressing room unrest was behind my 

"I had a good relationship with the players, but any manager will tell you when you 
are trying to improve a squad you'll always fall out with people who aren't in the 
team. Some can be sour but others are fine."

[12] Veron rumours prt 98756976
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
Claudio Lopez:

"I received a call from a club director on Thursday and he sounded me out about a move 
to Manchester United.

"I told him I was flattered and to link up with Juan Veron again would be great - but 
he said Veron is part of the deal. He will join Lazio while Sorin and I will join 

"The club have arranged for us to travel to England very soon to discuss terms with 
Manchester United."

[11] Deal for Duff close?
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
A Blackburn insider says:

"A deal for Damien Duff will be done this week"

"Damien gets back from his holidays on Tuesday and his future will be decided by the 
end of the week.

"It is not a case of if he moves but only which club he will move to. That is how 
close the transfer is now.

"Everything is in place to see the deal completed on Damien's return and the one 
certainty is that he will not be a Blackburn player by the start of the new season."

Apparently, deal will swing on Utd dropping asking price for Dwight.

[10] No op needed for Keano
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
His summer rest has meant that Roy doesn't need the knee op Fergie wanted him to have, 
and he'll be fit for the start of the season. Perhaps that will can all the rumours 

[9] Veron getting shirty?
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
"They picked up a series of suspensions and apparently had the club's best interests 
in mind, yet I was singled out for criticism. For me to be blamed for the lack of 
success is a joke."

[8] New man will suit us
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
More from Bartlett:

"Carlos can do for David Beckham, Paul Scholes and the rest of the squad what he did 
for Figo and Rui Costa. 

"He has ideas about what to do with those players and is very good at helping 

"Carlos is very knowledgeable and is always approachable. 

"He likes a patient build-up. He doesn't like the goalkeeper to kick the ball, he 
likes to play from the back. 

"With the players United have that shouldn't be a problem." 

[7] New assistant eyes Fergies job
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
According to South Africa skipper Shaun Bartlett:

He'll be the perfect counter to Sir Alex Ferguson. A terrific link between the manager 
and the players. He is a great communicator. 

"People are already talking about him succeeding Sir Alex as manager and he'll be 
looking at that. He'd do a terrific job. 

"He's very ambitious and he would have had the choice of a number of top clubs but 
taking charge at United will be his biggest goal." 

[6] New smoggie upsets the locals
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
Massimo Maccarone does his bit to ruin our allocation again this year.

"I'm going to be honest, but it's no secret that Manchester United is my dream. 

"I really can't wait to play at Old Trafford. 

"Coming to Middlesbrough will give me that opportunity, even though it will be as an 
opponent not a United player. 

"But maybe I will go to play for Manchester United one day." 

[5] Lazio to tip up for Jaap
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
After being leant on by FIFA, Lazio are about to write out the cheque for the 12 
million they still owe us. Just write the cheque out to P Grimsdale.

[4] Cancel the removal van
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
Scanlon: He won't budge.

"Nicky is a Manchester boy and he'll stay at United. I've heard all the stuff about 
other clubs coming in for him but he's like Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs — they love 
the town and they'll stay there for their whole careers. 

"He won't go abroad, why would he? 

"That's the one thing that sticks in my mind about him-he was always Manchester United 
mad! He was a sports-minded lad who used to go training with United for two nights a 
week and didn't have a care about much else. 

"But the thing with Nick is he won't change. He still has the same school friends he 
had years ago, the same set of guys he's been knocking around with for ages. That sums 
him up." 

[3] Nicky: What you see is what you get
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
More from Mike Scanlon:

"He never danced round four players before smashing one into the top corner, but Nicky 
was a brilliant player in the same way he is now. 

"That's why he was picked up by Manchester United at such an early age. 

"He was training with them at the same time he was with me, but he never made a big 
thing out of it. 

"There could've been the obvious temptation for him to think: ‘I'm training at Old 
Trafford under some of the best coaches in the game — what can I learn here?' 

"But things couldn't have been more opposite to that. He'd never miss a session with 
me, listened all the time and never once did he get too big for his boots." 

"I'm delighted he got the chance at the World Cup to really shine. He's been a great 
player for a long time at United but has never had a real run for England. 

"People have said before that he's limited in what he can do — but he was absolutely 
brilliant out there. 

"And I know his parents will be so proud of him. His dad used to come down and watch 
him train with us and that has been a big part of Nicky's success — having a great 
family behind him. 

"I have spoken to his mum a few times and its obvious what it means to them all." 

[2] Former coach on Sir Nicholas Butt
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
Mike Scanlon:

"I never saw him with a girl in all the time I had him as a youngster. Nicky had one 
thing on his mind — to be the best." 

"Nicky was the same lad back then as he is now and he's never let his success change 

"You know exactly what you're going to get with Nicky, he won't let you down. 

"He is at the biggest club in the world, playing for his country and has just returned 
from Japan as one of our star men in the World Cup. But I'd bet any money he'll get on 
with his life the way he always has. 

"He was so focused as a teenager, he wouldn't let ANYTHING get in the way of his 
training — and that included girls. He didn't seem to care about anything else and 
when some of his friends were off doing other things I only saw one side of him — 
football and more football. 

"I spoke to Nicky recently and have tried to stay in touch as much as possible. I'm a 
little bit surprised at the success he's had-although I always knew he would turn out 
to be a great player."

[1] McClaren a sheep herder?
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002 by tb:
According to various reports this morning, Steve McClaren is about to say yes to Mr 
Grimsdale this week. And there was us thinking agent Kidd had sorted them out.

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