>Yes, without a timezone offset.  I have a bunch of these from my company's
>Japanese customer.  Also found one in a recent (March 2002) post on the
>Bugtraq mailing list (I can't point you to the online archived copy because
>the archive parses the dates and re-states them relative to one's own
>timezone), and elsewhere.

Fair enough; I stand corrected (but I think at this stage in the lifetime
of the Internet, they're in the minority).

>Again, I don't understand why you're making such a big deal of this.  If I
>find the functionality important and want to spend time implementing it once
>we have a new working CVS repository, more power to me, no?

I have no objection to you or anyone implementing this functionality
(and I don't believe I ever said so).  I am just explaining why I don't
think it's that important in the larger scheme of things.  Obviously,
you and I don't agree on this one; that's fine.  The original post
which triggered your reply was only me saying that I don't think the
timezone parsing was anything worth holding up the release on.


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