On Apr 18, 1:42 pm, Druzyne <drew.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As to Lance's question about why those of us with "hidden" savings are
> not having problems like this, please let me try to answer, though
> these are just my experiences.

Hey Drew,

Thanks for explaining your system a little more. It's definitely not
for me (although I used to do something similar several years ago),
but I see why some people would prefer it. It can be nice to be a
little more "loose" with your finances if you're willing to risk a
little savings to cover yourself. For me, I've been bit too many times
so I prefer having every cent tracked. But this is not for everyone.

It's great that MoneyWell allows you to choose either method, but I
still think there could be some better guidance for new users. Present
both of these methods (plus any others that are popular) along with
the pros/cons and let users make a conscience decision rather than
ending up in a place they didn't necessarily intend.

Good conversion though! I'm just afraid this will disappear into the
sea of Google Groups posts and won't help the new users who come
around in a few months.

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