On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:38:00 +0000, James Rowe <jnrowe at gmail.com> wrote:
>   I had planned on posting a patch for inclusion in packaging/Gentoo per
> Carl's mail[2], but the whole GPL 2 vs 3 thing made me put it on the
> backburner and I haven't looked again. Might still be useful to people
> unless there is going to be a "real" release soon, as then it would be
> easier to push for it on bugs.gentoo.org.

Is the GPLv3 a problem for you and your ebuild for some reason, or is it
just that you happened to start with a GPLv2 file or so?

I'm definitely interested in hearing, since this is the first project
I've let loose myself under the GPLv3. So far, it hasn't seemed to be a
big impediment to contributions, which I think is great.

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