National Post School Outcome Data Community of Practice

Hi - in New Mexico districts, all 18-21 year old programs are part of their home districts, although "based" in community rather than school campuses. When the postschool followup surveys are done, those who've exited (typically graduated with a diploma - we have 3 pathways to our regular diploma for students with IEPs) from those 18-21 year old programs are included just like all other exiters.


On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:57:20 -0500
 "Jane Fields" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greetings! I am working with Jayne Spain and others at the MN Department of Education on their postschool follow-up system. So, I appreciate all of the great input into the question posed yesterday (by Jayne Spain from MN through Jane Falls)! However, I am still wondering how states are actually including students in 18-21 year old programs in their postschool follow-up system. Would you be willing to describe the "nuts-and-bolts" of how you go about including all exiters (graduates, dropouts, age outs) into your actual implementation of your follow-up systems? For example, how are you sampling the students so that there's no overlap between the 18-21 year old programs and home districts (in MN, students are counted in their home district, even if they're participating in an 18-21 year old program)? How do you provide program information back to districts whose students are accessing other
programs?  Etc.

Thanks!  Jane Fields

Jane L.S. Fields, Ph.D.
Institute on Community Integration
University of Minnesota
150 Pillsbury Drive SE
13 Pattee Hall
Minneapolis, MN  55455
612-625-0350 (phone)
612-624-9344 (fax)

Ginger Blalock, Ph.D.
Project Director, Statewide Transition Initiatives
Board President, Lifework Learning Inc.
213 Ortega Rd., NE
Albuquerque, N.M. 87113
505/400-3992   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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