David was just being succinct. Mercifully, not everyone witters on at the 
length of, inter alia, yours truly ;-)

The pipes too have undergone many developments from open-ended nine notes to 
closed-ended with up to two+ chromatic octaves and seventeen keys. Closed 
fingering was but one of them.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Gretton [mailto:i...@gretton-willems.com] 
>Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 10:30 AM
>To: nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
>Subject: [NSP] Re: Re:
>David Baker wrote:
>>>Had it not been for certain groups of musicians breaking the rules
>>>because what resulted sounded good to them, the only style of trumpet
>>>playing would be baroque, and jazz would not exist (to give but one
>Hmmm...that is a very interesting take on the history of 
>music, ignoring
>entirely the invention of valves (which allowed the trumpet to 
>play in any
>key and to play diatonically and chromatically in the low and middle
>registers for the first time); the end of the trumpet guild system; the
>development of the brass band; the rise of mass production through
>industrialisation (which made instruments much cheaper); the 
>influence of
>African music in New Orleans; and the overall gigantic changes 
>that took
>place in Western music between the baroque period and the rise 
>of jazz. Oh
>yes, and also the fact that jazz existed long before jazzers 
>started to use
>the trumpet (Armstrong started on the cornet, for example). 
>I'm afraid it
>wasn't all just a matter of some cool dudes audaciously 
>deciding to "break
>the rules".
>But don't let me rigidly cramp your musicological style!
>>>I don't think it fair to call any style of playing any instrument
>>>'incorrect' simply because it does not adhere rigidly to tradition
>>>I would hope the NSP community was receptive to the efforts of young
>>>players (I hope at 22 I can still call myself one) 
>expressing themselves
>>>through their chosen instrument and working hard in order to 
>do so. If
>>>not, this 'tradition' is indeed in real danger of dying out.
>The trouble, though, is that traditions can get hijacked in a 
>way that takes
>them far away from the essential nature of the music, so that someone's
>let-it-all-hang-out-baby self-expression comes to dominate. 
>And with modern
>media, public funding, and publicity, the new style then takes 
>over and the
>traditional one is forgotten.
>Mister Nasty (using Paul Gretton's computer)
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