On 2012-05-08 Hans Hagen <pra...@wxs.nl> wrote:

> On 8-5-2012 19:01, Marco wrote:
> > On 2012-05-05 Hans Hagen<pra...@wxs.nl>  wrote:
> Did I?

My bad ;)

> > This code fails:
> >
> > \defineMPinstance [mympinstance] [metafun] [textcolor=red]
> >
> > \starttext
> >
> > \startMPcode
> >     draw textext("some text") ;
> > \stopMPcode
> >
> > \startMPcode{mympinstance}
> >     draw textext("some text") ;
> > \stopMPcode
> >
> > \stoptext
> >
> > Marco
> It works here.

Fails here, source and log are attached.

current version: 2012.05.08 13:45

\defineMPinstance [mympinstance] [metafun] [textcolor=red]


	draw textext("some text") ;

	draw textext("some text") ;


ConTeXt  ver: 2012.05.08 13:45 MKIV  fmt: 2012.5.8  int: english/english

system          > cont-new.mkiv loaded
system          > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv
system          > g.top loaded

system          > options > start used options

used options    > % runtime options files (command line driven)
used options    > \unprotect
used options    > % feedback and basic job control
used options    > % handy for special styles
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used options    >  ["once"]=true,
used options    > }
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used options    >  "g",
used options    > }
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used options    > % modes
used options    > % options (not that important)
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used options    > \stopsetups
used options    > % styles and modules
used options    > \startsetups *runtime:modules
used options    > \stopsetups
used options    > % done
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fonts           > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages       > language en is active
fonts           > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage)
fonts           > typescripts > unknown: library 'loc'
fonts           > virtual math > unable to resolve name mapsfromchar
fonts           > fallback modern rm 12pt is loaded
metapost        > initializing instance 'metafun' using format 'metafun'
metapost        > loading 'metafun': /home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/metafun.mpiv
metapost        > initializing instance 'mympinstance' using format 'metafun'
metapost        > loading 'metafun': /home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/metafun.mpiv
! terminal: >> OverlayLineColor
>> (0,0,0)
! Equation cannot be performed (numeric=color).
<to be read again> 
<*> ...ineWidth:=0pt  ; OverlayLineColor:=(0,0,0);
                                                   OverlayColor:=(0,0,0); Ba...

>> OverlayColor
>> (0,0,0)
! Equation cannot be performed (numeric=color).
<to be read again> 
<*> ...yLineColor:=(0,0,0); OverlayColor:=(0,0,0);
                                                   BaseLineSkip:=14.4816pt; ...


system          > tex > error on line 11 in file g.tex: terminal: >> OverlayLineColor
>> (0,0,0)
! Equation cannot be performed (numeric=color).
<to be read again> 
<*> ...ineWidth:=0pt  ; OverlayLineColor:=(0,0,0);
                                                   OverlayColor:=(0,0,0); Ba...

>> OverlayColor
>> (0,0,0)
! Equation cannot be performed (numeric=color).
<to be read again> 
<*> ...yLineColor:=(0,0,0); OverlayColor:=(0,0,0);
                                                   BaseLineSkip:=14.4816pt; ...


 1     \defineMPinstance [mympinstance] [metafun] [textcolor=red]
 3     \starttext
 5     \startMPcode
 6     	draw textext("some text") ;
 7     \stopMPcode
 9     \startMPcode{mympinstance}
10     	draw textext("some text") ;
11 >>  \stopMPcode
13     \stoptext

<inserted text> ...0;;]===], [===[;;]===], false)}
\meta_process_graphic ...!!es , \MPaskedfigure )}}
                                                  \egroup \placeMPgraphic \m...
\meta_start_code_instance ..._process_graphic {#2}
l.11 \stopMPcode
? x

system          > files > start used files

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used files      >   43: filename=lmsans12-regular.otf | filetype=otf | format=otf | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmsans12-regular.otf | usedmethod=database
used files      >   44: filename=lmmono12-regular.otf | filetype=otf | format=otf | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmmono12-regular.otf | usedmethod=database
used files      >   45: filename=metafun.mpiv | filetype=mp | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/metafun.mpiv | usedmethod=database
used files      >   46: filename=mp-base.mpiv | filetype=mp | format=mp | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-base.mpiv | usedmethod=database
used files      >   47: filename=mp-tool.mpiv | filetype=mp | format=mp | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv | usedmethod=database
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used files      >   52: filename=mp-grph.mpiv | filetype=mp | format=mp | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-grph.mpiv | usedmethod=database
used files      >   53: filename=mp-grid.mpiv | filetype=mp | format=mp | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-grid.mpiv | usedmethod=database
used files      >   54: filename=mp-form.mpiv | filetype=mp | format=mp | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-form.mpiv | usedmethod=database
used files      >   55: filename=mp-figs.mpiv | filetype=mp | format=mp | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-figs.mpiv | usedmethod=database
used files      >   56: filename=mp-func.mpiv | filetype=mp | format=mp | foundname=/home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-func.mpiv | usedmethod=database

system          > files > stop used files

system          > structure > start used structure

used structure  > text: g

system          > structure > stop used structure

mkiv lua stats  > used config file          - selfautoparent:texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua
mkiv lua stats  > used cache path           - /home/zewz/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/2448223e6631addb83df348d74153606
mkiv lua stats  > resource resolver         - loadtime 0.011 seconds, 0 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 56 found files, scanned paths: 
mkiv lua stats  > stored bytecode data      - 303 modules, 65 tables, 368 chunks
mkiv lua stats  > cleaned up reserved nodes - 36 nodes, 9 lists of 436
mkiv lua stats  > node memory usage         - 12 hlist, 3 vlist, 3 rule, 12 glue, 1 penalty, 8 glyph, 36 attribute, 29 glue_spec, 12 attribute_list, 1 temp, 1 local_par, 2 dir, 4 pdf_literal, 2 pdf_setmatrix, 2 pdf_save, 2 pdf_restore
mkiv lua stats  > node list callback tasks  - 6 unique task lists, 4 instances (re)created, 102 calls
mkiv lua stats  > used backend              - pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output)
mkiv lua stats  > loaded patterns           - en::2
mkiv lua stats  > jobdata time              - 0.000 seconds saving, 0.001 seconds loading
mkiv lua stats  > callbacks                 - 183 direct, 565 indirect, 748 total
mkiv lua stats  > randomizer                - resumed with value 0.080291813742505
mkiv lua stats  > result saved in file      - g.pdf
mkiv lua stats  > loaded fonts              - 33 files: stmary10.afm lmmono12-regular.otf lmmono8-regular.otf lmmono9-regular.otf lmroman12-bold.otf lmroman12-regular.otf lmroman7-bold.otf lmroman7-regular.otf lmroman9-bold.otf lmroman9-regular.otf lmsans12-regular.otf lmsans8-regular.otf lmsans9-regular.otf eufb10.tfm eufb7.tfm eufm10.tfm eufm7.tfm msam10.tfm msam7.tfm msbm10.tfm msbm7.tfm lmex10.tfm lmmi12.tfm lmmi7.tfm lmmi9.tfm lmmib10.tfm lmmib7.tfm lmsy10.tfm lmsy7.tfm lmsy9.tfm rm-lmr12.tfm rm-lmr7.tfm rm-lmr9.tfm
mkiv lua stats  > fonts load time           - 0.344 seconds 
mkiv lua stats  > metapost processing time  - 0.002 seconds, loading: 0.074 seconds, execution: 0.002 seconds, n: 1
mkiv lua stats  > luatex banner             - this is luatex, version beta-0.70.1-2011051923 (rev 4277)
mkiv lua stats  > control sequences         - 33551 of 65536 + 100000
mkiv lua stats  > current memory usage      - 30 MB (ctx: 31 MB)
mkiv lua stats  > runtime                   - 20.278 seconds

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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