Repeat my point in early email, there are many DC applications and DC 
environments, which do not share a common set of technical requirements. What 
we do?
Personally, I don’t think that having one common encapsulation protocol can 
reach a consensus now.


From: nvo3 [] On Behalf Of Anoop Ghanwani
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2016 6:12 PM
To: Tom Herbert
Cc: Sam Aldrin; Bocci, Matthew (Nokia - GB); NVO3
Subject: Re: [nvo3] Discussion on encapsulation formats and next steps


I think your note summarizes perfectly why we need to move forward with 3 
encapsulations.  Some things matter more to you than they do to me.  If we 
start calling for consensus on every one of these requirements, we may end up 
with a solution that satisfies nobody.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Tom Herbert 
<<>> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:54 AM, Anoop Ghanwani 
<<>> wrote:
> Sam,
> My lack of interest in a new encap is because I think it's too late to
> converge them.  At this point, there are business issues (as opposed to
> technical ones) that would limit the effectiveness of a new encap.  At best
> it's a no-op, at worst it creates even more confusion in the market while
> the other encaps continue with their deployment.
> The best that the IETF can do is at this point is to document these and make
> sure the encaps are not breaking something else.
> IMO, none of the objections raised are showstoppers.  Any encap can be
> modified to do anything we want it to do, with the exception of backwards
> compatibility.  The need, efficacy, and the price of backwards compatibility
> can be argued, so that advantage is not a slam dunk either.
Lack of security is not a showstopper? No resilience to DDOS attacks
is not a showstopper? No ability to extend the protocol without a
complete hardware forklift is not a showstopper? Maybe this is true in
your datacenter but it certainly is not true in mine. These are
fundamental technical objections with VXLAN, VXLAN-GPE and Geneve.
Neither are they are newly pointed out, for instance I've been asking
for a resolution to the VNI security problem for at least three years
and so far this has not been addressed. If it was as easy as you say
these problems should have been fixed by now.


> Anoop
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 9:49 PM, Sam Aldrin 
> <<>> wrote:
>> Anoop,
>> <WG chair hat off>
>> Couple of questions, if I may ask
>> 1. How do you plan to address technical objections raised?
>> 2. Not interested because it is too late and would rather live with any
>> deficiencies in the DP proposals?
>> </WG chair hat off>
>> -sam
>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Anoop Ghanwani 
>> <<>>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 2:24 AM, Bocci, Matthew (Nokia - GB)
>>> <<>> wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately, no rough consensus emerged from the list discussion.
>>>> The chairs and our AD have also been trying to form a design team to
>>>> take forward the encapsulation discussion and see if there is potential to
>>>> design a common encapsulation. However, there has been insufficient 
>>>> interest
>>>> in this initiative. We would like to hear opinions and confirmation or
>>>> disagreement on interest in creating a DP encapsulation that addresses the
>>>> various technical concerns.
>>> I have little interest in yet another encap.
>>> Anoop
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