I like your website a lot, Mark.  I hope to have something like that for BWR

Just my 2c again but I don't see how you would benefit from an OGC logo,
instead maybe focus on producing more of what you already have and in time
your products will go hand-in-hand with your online community as well as a
reputation for being modifiable.

That is how I plan to do things with BWR, to focus on the BWR logo for
identification and make all of our games and services free, open, online,
and easily modifiable so that in a sense the BWR logo will be a type of open
content identifier.

Again that is just my 2c, biased by how I intend to do things.  I am no
where near to being an industry expert, fyi.  Maybe someday I'll get an
award for being the slowest. : D


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Shepheard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Ogf-l] Open Game Content Logo

> On Aug 12, 2006, at 12:31 PM, David Shepheard wrote:
> > All your logo does is say that something is OGC, however people can
> > already tell that if they see an OGL in the back (so your licence
> > is a bit like the warning I see on packets of peanuts that says
> > "Warning: may contain nuts").
> Or, more precisely, "Created by a nut."
> Actually, all that I want to say is that something is OGC without
> indicating compatibility with any particular source document.  This
> is what we need for Operative Online (http://
> www.operativeonline.com).  OpenDie does this, but I won't agree to
> the terms of its license, so I'm not allowed to use it.
> Mark
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