Thanks for you answers.

Karen Coyle:
> The "how many pages" field is needed to help merge duplicate records. It 
> contains the highest number as a numeric (since the library pagination 
> is a text string with punctuation, etc.). 

Just to make that clear: it's not highest number you can see written on a 
particular page in the book but the total number of pages (preface numbered i, 
ii, ... + main text numbered 1,2,...). Sometimes the last page(s) don't have a 
number on them at all. They count nevertheless, no?

> If you are referring to the name of the place of publication you should 
> enter the place as it is on the book.

Place names are a problem in this input field but also in the one I put the 
places mentioned in the book in.

Summing up what I've read, I'll proceed like this from now on:
Publication city like written in the book.
All other cities and countries in their (most common) english spelling.

Having an automated system that recognizes that "Munich" and "München" are the 
same and displays it according to the selected language of the user interface 
would be great and I'm looking forward to seing this feature coming back some 

> I once volunteered to write up a short "hover" text for each field, but 
> it was deemed "too restrictive." However, once again I am willing to do 
> a fairly loose definition of each field (where I can).

Having such a hover text would be great, especially for newbies. It would make 
the whole thing a lot easier to understand. I'm strongly in favor of this.

> There are advantages and disadvantages to 
> having ingested library data since it has some very detailed aspects. 
> Ideally, it would be good to find a way to allow both that detail and 
> less detailed input from non-library sources and "normal human beings."

Isn't this question the whole point about having a librarian and a non 
librarian mode? Would it be a good idea to have both in the frontend, too?

Where can we write down these policies and make them available more easily than 
by having subscribed this list?

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