Hi xan,

Luckily there is an API, so that massive edits don't take ages of manual labour.

There is no formal acceptance process, so when can we say we, the
list, agree? I think before accepting anything, we need to make sure
it isn't in use already. Also, IMHO we should realise that there is a
long list of previously used field names of which some are no longer
found in current records. These fields could be renamed or removed, or
left untouched with new field names used for the new fields.
In theory, someone with API access could already start using any tag,
but without changes to the web interface the extra info would only be
visible in the history view ("diff" to see changes between versions of
a record). And without some form of concensus I'd call it vandalism.

Concerning your last question:
either go hack the web interface (it's on GitHub) or create a web
interface of your own that talks to the API and shows what you want to
see. The first has a learning curve and may need additional designing,
the second can be straightforward for web developers but needs some
security+provenance considerations of course.



On 16 August 2013 18:15, xan <x...@0l3.de> wrote:
> Thanks, Ben. again I understand OL a bit better now. I didn't think of the 
> two edit interfaces since I only use the webform.
> So for the naming issue: Is it sufficient, that we (the list) agrees on a 
> name?
> And for the "not-so-easy part" of the webform editing: Is there even anything 
> we can do about it?
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