What message size ? What kind of link/nic do u use ? What BM ?
I had measured ~900MB/sec reads and writes over 10Gig with 256K messages
using disktest BM.

-----Original Message-----
From: open-iscsi@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Erez Zilber
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 6:16 PM
To: open-iscsi@googlegroups.com
Subject: Performance of open-iscsi over TCP


I'm running some performance tests with open-iscsi (iops & throughput).
With open-iscsi over TCP, I see very low numbers:

    * iops: READ - 20000, WRITE - 13000
    * throughput: READ - 185, WRITE - 185

In open-iscsi.org, I see much higher numbers. Did anyone measure
open-iscsi performance lately? Can you share your numbers? Which
iscsid.conf file did you use?


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