Mike Christie wrote:
> You need iscsid to log in, log out, and for error handling (like if you 
> pull a cable or reboot a target).
> You can actually kill iscsid after you have logged in, and you can still 
> run IO like mount a FS or do run some DB. iscsid is not used for any of 
> those operations. However, if there was a network problem we would not 
> be able to relogin and recover from the problem until you restarted 
> iscsid (if iscsid was on the disk you need to recover then you are 
> screwed). And if you want to logout of the target, then you would need 
> to restart iscsid, before logging out.

That makes perfect sense, but before when I was testing the second I
killed iscsid and didn't immediately restart it (before the scsi
timeout) I would loose my disk and my machine would panic.

I'll just forget about the old behavior since it could be something I
was doing and move on...

>> 2.  If try to login to a target right after boot I get:
>> "iscsiadm: initiator reported error (13 - daemon access denied)"
>> however, after I restart iscsid I get, "Login to [iface: default,
> Do you get the access error when trying to log in from the initramfs, 
> then do you restart iscsid from there too or do you restart it from 
> somwhere else?

I login from initram, then start the machine like this:

/sbin/iscsiadm -m node -T ${ISCSI_TARGET} -p ${ISCSI_PORTAL} -l

echo 0x0100 > /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
mount -o ro -t $ROOTFS $ROOTDEV /mnt

exec switch_root /mnt /sbin/init

I left out a bunch of error checking and other details like umounting
/proc, but you get the idea.

Once the machine comes up I need to connect to other iscsi targets so I
restart iscsid then try to connect:

r...@server:~# killall iscsid; iscsid
r...@server:~# iscsiadm -m node -T target -p x.x.x.x:3260 -l
Logging in to [iface: default, target: mail, portal: x.x.x.x,3260]
Login to [iface: default, target: mail, portal: x.x.x.x,3260]: successful
r...@server:~# dmesg | tail | grep scsi
scsi2 : iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP
scsi scan: INQUIRY result too short (5), using 36

So for whatever reason I don't have any problems in initram but I can't
do anything else once the machine is started.

The interesting thing here is that my laptop which also runs slackware
12.2 can't connect at all because of the same error.

I'm starting to suspect kernel as the problem.

> The iscsi initiator does not do the scanning. It asks the scsi layer to. 
> The scsi layer (this where the message about being too short is from) 
> handle this, so it might be due to a change in upstream kernel.

I'll try a few different kernels.  I've already got one compiled so I'll
work that angle today.

> It is right now.

I may try the latest git, but it looks like it downloaded the entire
kernel.  My git kungfu isn't very good.  I'll have to read up about it.

Thanks Mike, I'll try another kernel and report back.


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