Hi Alex,

The following caught my eye:

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 8:39 AM Alexander Gabriel <goo...@4d6.de> wrote:

> H
> def deduction_formula(AC, AB, BC):
>     tv1 = AB.tv
>     tv2 = BC.tv
>     if tv1.mean > 0.5 and tv2.mean > 0.5 and tv1.confidence > 0.5 and 
> tv2.confidence
> > 0.5:
>         AC.tv = TruthValue(1, 1)
>     else:
>         AC.tv = TruthValue(0, 0)
>          return AC
Existing PLN rules do use formulas written in scheme/python, but I believe
it would be faster to use native atomese for formulas. as demonstrated


The reason these are faster is that they avoid the overhead of
entering/exiting python or scheme, and the related inefficiencies of
unbundling arguments and wrapping return values.

This is a relatively minor point, and for a demo, scheme or python formulas
are sufficient, but for anything that you expect to run quickly, the native
formulas would be better.


cassette tapes - analog TV - film cameras - you

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