On 06/12/2010 10:36, Olof Torgersson wrote:
> 5 dec 2010 kl. 18.04 skrev Thomas Beale:
> Returning to the original topic of what should go into a template, I 
> would say that this statement supports that template should not
> contain GUI-directives, but that such information should go into a 
> special visualization layer?
Yes. Visualisation / GUI hints could be written on a per-form basis, 
probably 1:1 or maybe 1:N with respect to templates, and could use 
archetype paths, same as in AQL to reference things. E.g. it could have 
statements logically like:

id = <"some form id">
templates = <"template 1", "template 2">
structure = <
     [1] = (VBOX) <
         [1] = (HBOX) <
             location = <
                 x = <>
                 y = <>
             controls = <
                 [1] = 
                 [2] = etc
         [2] = (HBOX) <
             controls = <
                 [1] = 
         [3] = (VBOX) <

I just made this up in dADL, the real thing will be in some XML format, 
the point is to use archetype paths, and also potentially to have a way 
of mapping back from archetype/template paths to locations in the visual 
structure. In the above, the archetype path 
*[diagnosis_archetype_id]/path/to/diagnosis* is at 
*/structure[1][1]/controls[1]* in the specification structure, which is 
a *text_and_coded_text_control*. You might also map a complex custom 
built control that captures 4 or 5 commonly grouped data elements, to a 
non-terminal path within a template structure.

Please note: I am just thinking out aloud here, and a working 'GUI 
hints' language / file format will no doubt look completely different.

- thomas

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