Re: translating the openEHR website - Also a localised content?
"Gunnar Klein, NTNU" <gunnar.klein at>
17/12/2012 16:47

<openehr-technical at>

Dear Tom and other techies,

A wonderful idea with translated content and the general work flow 
described sounds feasible to me. However, I think it would make sense 
not to require the various non English language sites to follow exactly 
the master openEHR. Firstly, because it would make sense to launch some 
content in several languages before everything is translated, and in 
several cases I think all the content will never be translated, some of 
the technical stuff will be better read in original English in some 
countries. However, the "LOCALISED" openEHR web pages may also contain 
material that relates to national work, in particular of course as 
directly related to openEHR implementations. Documents may be uploaded 
in various languages with content that it will not always make sense to 

Regarding the excellent Japanese initiative, I suggest they should be 
offered to move the content to the main site but with the as 
a pointing entry. Such sites may be establsiehed in other countries also 
but I think they shall generally not have there own content but be 
pointers to the Especially where the same language is used 
in several countries and continents it may be a complicated 
proliferation which in one sense is welcome. An offer to one person or a 
small group of 2-3 persons per geographical area to work directly with 
the openEHR international site makes sense to maintain some control over 
content of the foundation content.

Best regards


On 17/12/2012 15:29, Thomas Beale wrote:
> we are trying to work out the best approach to translations of the 
> openEHR website. The mechanism for the website itself is probably 
> straightforward:
>   * for each language xx, we create a copy of the current website
>     under a directory /xx/, and push this to the Github repo that
>     contains the website
>       o or perhaps separate repos, one per language?
>   * the people who want to do the translation work clone the repo,
>     replace the EN text with their language and upload the changes
>   * we push the changes to the main website
> Most URLs in the website are relative, so this should work. Clearly 
> changes on the main website need to be reflected over time on the 
> other websites, but we can rely on proper commit comments in the Git 
> repo to take care of that.
> *First question *- does this seem a reasonable workflow to  adopt?
> The *second question *that I can see is: what is the starting URL & 
> location? Taking Japan as an example:
> Shinji's group already has Currently it is their own 
> website. However, with a translated form of the international website, 
> would it make sense for to point to If 
> so, then the translated international website would need a prominent 
> link back to the current OR... if they prefer to land on 
> the current, what URL should get a user to 
> - presumably just that.
> These questions apply to all languages, but not all locations or 
> languages equate to a country. For example, if we made 
>, I am sure we only want one of those, even though 
> there can technically be some small differences between the Spain / 
> Central & South America variants. But there is no and 
> (which appears to be taken) would correspond to Spain only.
> In the end, I think the best we may be able to do is to provide a 
> for each language translation, and it will be up to 
> local openEHR.orgs to add links or Apache rewrite rules to connect to 
> these locations. So multiple Spanish-speaking countries could all 
> point to this ES translation of the central site.
> All ideas welcome.
> - thomas

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