On 18/12/2012 09:52, Shinji KOBAYASHI wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I forked GitHub web-site project. Can I make /jp sub-directory to work
> under top?
> Could you please point it out where should be?
> Japanese translation would appeal capability of translation much, I will try 
> it.


it might be a bit early to do too much work on it, but why not get the 
workflow right. In Git, you should see the following structure:

We will create a 'lang' directory at the top level. *You should 
therefore create a 'lang/jp' directory*. Don't worry about the 'lang' 
appearing in URLs, we can deal with that in the Apache rewrite rules.

I think if you just try to translate some of the content on the home 
page, and some of the stable-looking pages one level down - don't go too 
much further because there are still major changes going on in some 
directories. I'll get Adriana to create a list of what appears to be 
stable and what is not.

If you do a bit of work, and push it back to your fork, we'll then get 
it pushed into the main repo (I still have to work out exactly how we do 
this in Github ;-). We'll then upload it, create an Apache rewrite rule 
that does:

/lang/([a-za-z])/(.*) -> /$1/$2

which will have the effect of making the physical directory 
www.openehr.org/lang/jp/something be served as 
www.openehr.org/jp/something, which I think is a bit more normal.

Let's just try this in Japanese, then I suggest the next step is for us 
to provide a list of paths we think are stable enough to translate - 
then some other languages can get started.

- thomas

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