On 31/03/2018 10:38, Philippe Ameline wrote:

When I try to explain all this to lesser tech-savvy people (means, who don't belong to this list ;-) ), I usually explain that: - usual systems (with an information schema tied to a database schema) are like a printed form. The day after you received the 5000 printed sheet you ordered, you will realize that there are several design flaws that you will have to endure while the stock is not empty, - openEHR is a flexible schema, similar to a set of stamps that lets you build forms dynamically from blank paper. If your design has to evolve, you just have to adapt one of the stamps. - in my system, based on an ontology and a dependency grammar, you can use stamps (archetypes like) and/or "write" freely.

just by means of clarification for some readers, since I happen to know how both openEHR and Philippe's system works, here's the way to understand how openEHR would perform the same function as Ligne-de-vie (which it can):

 * build a lot of CLUSTER archetypes, and probably more OBSERVATION
   ones; each CLUSTER archetype would be one of the 'trees' Philippe
   talks about
 * each of those CLUSTER archetypes has slot nodes that indicate where
   subordinate CLUSTER archetypes join, and which ones are allowed, in
   the usual openEHR fashion;
     o remember, a slot can allow multiple possible substitutions
 * at run time, a form containing a top level Entry, usually an
   OBSERVATION will be deployed on the screen, and by a process of user
   choice / UI movements etc, the data will get filled in, and
   subordinate CLUSTER archetypes will be chosen on the way, and filled
   in along the way.

This mode of operation is known by us in openEHR-land as 'dynamic slot-filling' or 'runtime templating', as opposed to the more typical design-time templating used in a lot of systems, where most of the choices are made prior to runtime. But openEHR systems do use runtime slot-filling as well, e.g. for writing discharge summaries and referrals, where the data items are only knowable in the encounter or report-writing session.

I have always understood openEHR as a link, a step, between the "good old way" (discourse range hard coded into a database schema) and a modern approach where you can really "tell a patient story" using a genuine (structured, processable) language. 15 years ago, Thomas and I spent hours discussing the opportunity for openEHR to include a reference ontology in its kernel ; this decision was not made for very good reasons, but I guess that it still remains a necessary evolution.

see above - in the last 5+ years, much greater use has been made of smaller CLUSTER archetypes, which perform the function of the fils guides trees, but not as well, because the modellers don't use the LdV modelling discipline at that fine-grained level. We should do that in openEHR; it would require somewhat better features in some of the modelling tools.

I actually think we should consider how to map the fils guides into OBSERVATION and CLUSTER archetypes in openEHR, and also export out archetypes into fils guides format.

Thomas very accurately explained why SNOMED is a deceptive candidate for such a reference ontology. And, unfortunately, it is deep rooted in its origins as a coding system. I can hear all the arguments about "legacy system" and even "legacy medicine" (the one still fully organized for siloed acute care at a time our society already entered the information age and suffers from chronic diseases). The question remains to guess if SNOMED is a component that lets you stuck in the past or helps you disrupt the legacy craps.

Now, let's imagine a modern system that would allow you to "tell a patient medical story" from the various viewpoints of a multidisciplinary patient centered team. What would be the point about having "local vocabulary subsets"? Do you think that a GP shouldn't use the word "mitral leak" or any other "specialized" word in the medical vocabulary?

My feeling is that selected subset is a solution when using SNOMED as a coding system. The subset being the global list of values that are legal for the fields in the existing schema, in the same way you will select subsets in a billing system. But when it comes to "telling a story" using a language, in my opinion subsets are a non-sense. We don't use "vocabulary subsets" when we talk, and each contributor in a patient's team would mechanically get exposed to a super-set; subset is actually only fit for silos... and at a time when medicine is already becoming a narrow silo in health, I really don't see it as a sound strategy.

I mostly agree here, with one major exception: entering a diagnosis. In that case, you do want subsets that are meaningful to your work context. If it is paediatric oncology, you may have a form with a field that can only be some kind of cancer or related Dx that that department deals with - then you want reference terminology terms in a subset that cuts out everything else. You also want your subset to be structured, i.e. with the IS-A links intact, so that you can navigate it to choose.

But for a vast amount of other textual / ?coded? data, interface vocabularies, or just plain old text are what is needed. WHere interface terms are used, they should of course have a reference to a post-coordinated expression in an appropriate underlying terminology.


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