Le 01/04/2018 à 14:13, Thomas Beale a écrit :

> On 31/03/2018 10:38, Philippe Ameline wrote:
>> ...
>> When I try to explain all this to lesser tech-savvy people (means,
>> who don't belong to this list ;-) ), I usually explain that:
>> - usual systems (with an information schema tied to a database
>> schema) are like a printed form. The day after you received the 5000
>> printed sheet you ordered, you will realize that there are several
>> design flaws that you will have to endure while the stock is not empty,
>> - openEHR is a flexible schema, similar to a set of stamps that lets
>> you build forms dynamically from blank paper. If your design has to
>> evolve, you just have to adapt one of the stamps.
>> - in my system, based on an ontology and a dependency grammar, you
>> can use stamps (archetypes like) and/or "write" freely.
> just by means of clarification for some readers, since I happen to
> know how both openEHR and Philippe's system works, here's the way to
> understand how openEHR would perform the same function as Ligne-de-vie
> (which it can):
>   * build a lot of CLUSTER archetypes, and probably more OBSERVATION
>     ones; each CLUSTER archetype would be one of the 'trees' Philippe
>     talks about
>   * each of those CLUSTER archetypes has slot nodes that indicate
>     where subordinate CLUSTER archetypes join, and which ones are
>     allowed, in the usual openEHR fashion;
>       o remember, a slot can allow multiple possible substitutions
>   * at run time, a form containing a top level Entry, usually an
>     OBSERVATION will be deployed on the screen, and by a process of
>     user choice / UI movements etc, the data will get filled in, and
>     subordinate CLUSTER archetypes will be chosen on the way, and
>     filled in along the way.
> This mode of operation is known by us in openEHR-land as 'dynamic
> slot-filling' or 'runtime templating', as opposed to the more typical
> design-time templating used in a lot of systems, where most of the
> choices are made prior to runtime. But openEHR systems do use runtime
> slot-filling as well, e.g. for writing discharge summaries and
> referrals, where the data items are only knowable in the encounter or
> report-writing session.

This trend allows me to discover that openEHR already became a rich
ecosystem. Isn't this technique close from Gerard's vision of archetypes
as "context for concepts" in a kind of ontology?

However, I probably wrongly expressed what I wanted to say, and is more
theoretical than comparing implementations, such as openEHR and Ligne de

When we talk to one another using a natural language, we just need a
vocabulary and a grammar. The grammar is simply a set of rules, but not
a physical pattern. We say "John sees the green house" and not "John as
the subject sees as the verb the green as an adjective house as a noon
in a position of direct object complement".

In the same way, it is possible to express a structured discourse just
using an ontology and a grammatical structure (say trees) without the
need of any structure description.

So, to make my point more accurate, I see the evolution as:
- all possible discourse structures "hard coded" into a database schema:
legacy systems
- all possible discourse structures locally expressed as a set of
archetypes that are flexibly expandable: ENV-13606, openEHR
- discourse simply limited in complexity by what can be expressed using
the current state of ontology and the grammar

> I mostly agree here, with one major exception: entering a diagnosis.
> In that case, you do want subsets that are meaningful to your work
> context. If it is paediatric oncology, you may have a form with a
> field that can only be some kind of cancer or related Dx that that
> department deals with - then you want reference terminology terms in a
> subset that cuts out everything else. You also want your subset to be
> structured, i.e. with the IS-A links intact, so that you can navigate
> it to choose.

Agreed ; subset can be useful for user interface purposes. But it
remains a design purpose ; since, for example, the oncologist diagnose
becomes a health problem that all other patient's team members have to
cope with afterward.

The "good all" SOAP is dead ; nowadays, the encounter stream is
switching to (AP)SO(A'P'): people now come with an existing set of
Assessments and Procedures, not "just" with "Subjective" issues.

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