I could definitely live with that, but only if the scope of each space is made 
clear in the space description and with a clear delineation to related spaces 
on the front page. To me, “Ontology” or “Terminology” isn’t clear at all, and 
especially with regard to where they intersect with “Specifications” and 
“Clinical”. There also seems to me there’s an overlap in use between 
“Education”, “Community” and “Resources” that needs to be delineated.

I also noticed that we have the Calendar app enabled. Does anyone use it? If 
not, could we disable it?

Kind regards, Silje

From: openEHR-technical <openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org> On Behalf 
Of Thomas Beale
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 11:19 AM
To: openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org
Subject: Re: Christmas cleaning of the openEHR wiki...

My personal view is that it is better to have slightly more spaces each with 
clear scope, even if some have not much content, rather than trying to push all 
content into a few spaces with larger amounts of content. To me it seems 
obvious what kinds of things I might find in 'ontology' and 'education', 
whereas if I know there are some articles on these areas, but they are buried 
in e..g the 'specifications' space, it's going to be a matter of trying to 
search for them with various keys.

I fixed the Resources space a little bit, but it seems to me there is a fair 
bit of content like FAQs that people may well access.

these are just my views, and others may have better ideas...!

- thomas
On 07/08/2019 08:26, Bakke, Silje Ljosland via openEHR-technical wrote:
I think we may need a more thorough discussion about how to best use the wiki. 
How do we maximise information findability, how do we enable new people (and 
not-so-new people!) to find their way around? Do we make new empty spaces when 
we start something new, or do we branch them out when the existing spaces 
become crowded? How do we decide what goes in which space?

For now:

  *   I’ve reactivated the Education space, since I saw it was used for the 
Spanish openEHR Day. (Is this really education though, and not community?)
  *   The Ontologies space has a single page with a few attachments, of which 
nothing has been changed since 2012. Does this really warrant a separate space? 
Could this page be moved to a different space?
  *   Could the Community space be merged with Resources? If I understand 
correctly, their uses are at least partly overlapping.

Kind regards, Silje

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